Queen Elizabeth, King Philip, and The Spanish Armada of 1588

  • 1556

    King Philip Rule

    King Philip ruled over the Spanish Empire from 1556 to 1598. It is important to note that Philip was extremely Catholic.
  • 1558

    Queen Elizabeth rule

    Queen Elizabeth ruled over the English empire from 1558 to 1603. It is important to note that Elizabeth was extremely protestant.
  • 1558

    First Spanish Attack

    In the summer of 1588 Philip sent his strong naval fleet known as the Spanish Armada to attack England
  • Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake of England did his best in 1587 to delay Philip’s plans by destroying and capturing 35 ships
  • Mary Dies

    Philip married Elizabeth’s sister Mary, but when she died Philip wanted to marry Elizabeth, Elizabeth remained unmarried her whole life.
  • England attacks back

    Eight English fire boats attacked the Armada
  • Spain Retreats

    The Armada turned around back to Spain following a dangerous route around Scotland and Ireland all while traveling in a storm
  • Dangerous Travels

    The Armada turned around back to Spain following a dangerous route around Scotland and Ireland all while traveling in a storm
  • Severe Loss for Spain

    When the Armada was back in Spain, the had lost more than half of their ships and half of their men were dead
  • Philips Tragic Rule

    For the next decade, Philip continued to fight wars and ultimately bankrupted his country