Sep 7, 1533
Elizabeth is born at Greenwich Palace.
Sep 7, 1533
Elizabeth is baptized.
May 19, 1536
Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn is executed.
Oct 12, 1537
Elizabeth's half-brother Prince Edward is born
Jan 28, 1547
King Henry VIII dies, and Prince Edward becomes King.
Nov 30, 1553
Mary, Elizabeth's half-sister becomes Queen.
Nov 17, 1558
Death of Queen Mary I.
Jan 15, 1559
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I.
Jun 1, 1571
Ridolfi plots to assassisnate Queen Elizabeth.
Source: http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/Documents/ridolfi_plot.htm
Image Source:http:// www.encyclopedia.mitrasites.com -
Queen Elizabeth defeats the Spanish Armada.
Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/spanish-armada-defeated Image Source: www.clevelandpeople.com -
Queen Elizabeth's Golden Speech.
Queen Elizabeth I dies at Richmond Palace.
Image Source: www.tudorstuff.wordpress.com