Sep 7, 1533
Queen Elizabeth is born.
Queen Elizabeth is born in September 7th, 1533. She is born at the Greenwich Palace in Greenwich, England. -
Jan 13, 1559
Elizabeth crowned...
Queen Mary I dies on November 17, 1958. Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England. http://www.history-timelines.org.uk/people-timelines/06-queen-elizabeth-i-timeline.htm -
Jan 1, 1576
Future King James I is born in Scotland.
Period: to
Plague closes all London's theaters.
Queen Eliabeth dies in 1603. Blood poisonig is the cause of death.Sh is succeeded by James I. -
First recorded performance of Macbeth is given at Court.
Shakespeare retires to Stratford.
Shakespeare's wife dies, First Folio published.