Lower Paleolithic Age
A period in human developement. Humans developed stone tools and wooden axes. -
Period: to
One year = 100,000 years ago
Pleistocene epoch begins
Climate includes repeated glacial cycles. -
Nebraska Glacial Stage
The best-developed deposits are found in Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. -
Ice Age cyclical pattern had begun
Cycle: ice age of about 100,000 years with warmer periods of 10,000-15,000 years in between. -
Aftoniense Interglacial Period
The Cromer Forest Beds, in England, were formed. -
Kansas Glacial Stage
Fauna from this time period was diverse, including mammoths, musk-oxen, and moose. -
Neanderthal people developed
Yarmouthiense Interglacial Period
Neolithic Age
Including developements in human technology such as farming and domesticated animals. -
First modern humans evolved in Africa
Illinois Glacial Stage
Made up of the North American Pre-Illinoian A, Early Illinoian, and Late Illinoian glaciations. The picture shows glacial terraces located by a tributary to the Ohio River. (b) is formed by outwash of the Illinoian Glacial Stage. -
Sangamoniense Interglacial Period
The global climate was so warm that forests grew in the Arctic Circle. -
Gigantopithecus extinct
These were 10-foot tall, 1200-pound apes who lived in southeast Asia. -
Cro-Magnon people developed (modern)
Wisconsin Glacial Stage
Most recent major advance of the North American Laurentide ice sheet; made major changes to North American geography. -
Cro-Magnon people migrate out of Africa
Great Lakes started to be formed by glaciers
Megafauna went extinct
After the end of the most recent ice age. Megafauna had adapted to the cold climate. -
Holocene epoch
Warming period begins after last ice age. Earth's continents moved to look like they look today. -
Flandrian Interglacial Period
Continues today. The temperature is expected to decline in the future, following the cycle of past ice ages. This process will probably be delayed by global warming. -
Saber-toothed tigers extinct
Lived in America.