Aug 3, 1492
Columbus finds America
Columbus sets out on a voyage leading three ships on an expedition to India. Instead of landing in India they land in what is now known as North America. -
13 Original colonies
Originally Establoshed by British Inhabitants between 1607 with the first colony, Virginia and the last colony Georgia in 1732. In 1774 the colonies declare indpendence from Great Britain, which caused the Revolutionary War. -
Freanch and Indian War
Also known as the Seven Years war, it was a war between France and Great Britain. The war was because territorial claim. -
Industrial revolution
Technological advances were happening and happening fast. Many new inventions were very helpful for America and its growing industries. Child Labor came about around the time of the Industrial Revolution. -
Boston Tea Party
A political Protest by the Sons of Liberty against the new tax that Great Britain put on the colonies. Men snuck onto ships dumping the tea into the Boston Harbor. -
Revolutionary War
Conflict between America and Great Britain. The war was fought for America's Indpendecne from the U.K. -
Writing the Constitution
The consitution is a set of powers that the government is given. There are also restrictions added too. James Madison had the main role of writing and forming the consitution. -
Lewis and Clark
President Jfferson for the longest time wanted to send an expedition out west, when congress gave him the go he named Meriwther Lewis its leader. Lewis asked William Clark along the expedition, they set out west facing many new people and lands; one of these people being Sacagawea. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri wanted admission into the Union, but as a Slave state. The compromise consisted of two parts, Admitting Missouri as a state but making Maine a free state. -
Bleeding Kansas
A war, also known as the Border War bewtween anti-slavery activists and those who were for slavery. Pro=Slavery men went to Kansas causing people to vote for slavery. There was an investigation on this vote, and a decision wether or not Kansa was a free or slave state.