Marlborough magnitude 7.5 (depth 12 km)
Most birk and stone buildings in wellington collapesd in the Marlborough earthquake about one hundred after shocks were recorded for five hours fom the earthquake -
Period: to
Wairarapa, magnitude 8.2 (depth 33 km)
This is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in nz the new ground got pused into the sea it now forms the main road in wellington. -
Arthur's pass, magnitude 7.1 (depth 12 km)
rocks fell from the railway in christhurch for mounths -
1931 Napier, magnitude 7.8 (depth 20 km)
The harbar baots saw the buildings crumble they were the first people to get help they worked really hard to fix it and two hunderd and fifty six people died -
1942 Wairarapa, magnityde 7.2 ( depth 12 km)
there was a big damage in masterton's main street it took a long time to rebuild because all the men were to busy in world war 2 -
1968 Inangahua, magnitude 7.1 (depth 12 km)
a huge landslide damadge the buller river and it rasied its level 30 meters -
1987 Edgecumbe, magnitude 6.5 (depth 10 km)
A huge crack 7 kilometers long and also up to 4 meters wide and nobody was killed in the earthquake but most were really bad injured -
2010 Darfield, magnitude 7.1 (depth 10 km)
This shallow earthquake was the strongest and largest earthquake ever recorded in nz layers of wet sand was turnd in to muddy mud -
2011 Christurch, magnitude 6.3 (depth 5 km)
one hundred and eighty five people were killed and sevral thosand were injurd that was the fourth time christurch had been badly damadge by an earthquake -
1929 Murchison, magnitude 7.1 (depth 12 km)
Hudge landsldes blocked all of the roads and rivers and there was fourteen people died.