Q3 Timeline

  • 2018 BCE

    ME, China- Mongolia

    Because of wars between China and Mongolia hundreds of years ago, now Mongolia is its own country .
  • 1000 BCE

    16.1, The Early America’s- The Maya Setteles

    Early people in The Maya civilizataion first settled in what is modern day northern Guatemala. They were very advanced smart people.
  • 600 BCE

    12.3 (part 2), Arabia- Islam spilts into two groups

    As the result of conflict Islam spilt into two groups, the Shia and the Sunni. Shia thought that Islam’s were only allowed to be decended from Muhammad and Sunni thought it didn’t matter.
  • 589 BCE

    14.1, China- Time of disunion ends

    Once the Han dynasty ended China fell into a time of disunion, war was very common and China split into rival kingdoms, Chinese’s culture also changed dramatically because of culture blending. After a few centuries China unified again under the sui dynasty.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 1631 BCE

    Chapter 12 The Islamic World

    Muhammad was a man living in Arabia who started a worldly known religion, Islam. Scripture called the Q’ran leads Muslims in their daily lives and practices. Once Islam had spread, the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires formed. Muslims made large and well known cultural achievements in art, science, and literature.
  • 500 BCE

    13.1 West Africa- discovery of iron

    West Africans found out that if they heat up a certain kind of rock they can use it as iron which could turn into tools. The iron was very strong.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1580 BCE

    Chapter 13 Early African Civilizations

    culture resources and trade all continued to growing societies in west Afric, some of the first African countries grew because of trade with gold and salt. Africa devolved three very successful kingdoms,Mali, Songhai, and Great Zimbabwe. West African culture, writing, and the arts was passed down orally through history because they never had a written lanuguage.
  • 479 BCE

    14.3, China- Confucius dies

    Confucius was a great Chinese philosopher and his new outlooks on life effected many Chinese lives. When he died confusinism was spread all throughout Asia. Even modified versions of Confucinism like Neo-Confuism.
  • Period: 200 to 1537

    Chapter 16 The Early America’s

    The early civilizations of South and Central America consisted of The Maya, The Aztecs and the Inca peoples. The Maya were a very advanced group. They studied the stars and were very smart. The Aztec Empire lived in central Mexico and were a very strong group of people until the Spanish conquered them. The Incas were a large group formed on the West coast of South America. Modern day inca territory is now countries like Chile, Peru, and Guatamala.
  • 300

    13.2, West Africa- Soninke comes together for protection

    In Ghana the sonnike began to form so they could protect each other from nomadic invaders. When they came together Ghana formed into a empire.
  • Period: 430 to 1066

    Chapter 17 The Early Middle Ages

    Europe has many unique geographical features that influence people living on the land. After the powerful city Rome fell many Christians tried to maintain order but Europe was still chaotic. Feudalism began forming in Europe very similar to japenese societies.rep
  • 500

    15.1, Japan- Yamato rulers extend control

    The Yamato rulers moved their control through Hansho. These rulers didn’t rule all Japan but they did give themselves the title of “emperor”
  • 500

    17.1, Europe- Europe is divided into small kingdoms

    The Middle Ages was a creation of 3 kingdoms. It is called the Middle Ages because it is in between ancient times and modern times. The Middle Ages is also called medival period
  • Period: 550 to

    Chapter 15 Japan

    During Japan’s early civilizations they were very isolated from the rest of Asia such as China and Korea. Japenese culture started the golden age in a japenese city called Heian. The samurais and shoguns started a very powerful army in japan.
  • Period: 589 to

    Chapter 14 China

    After the period of disunion followed a golden time in China, they reunified by 3 dynasties Sui, Tang and Song. The tang and song dynasties were times of great achievements in the economy, culture and technology. Confucius ideas were spread during the time of the Song. The yuan dynasty was a series of mongol rulers until they got rid of theses rulers and strated the king dynasty.
  • 630

    12.1, Arabia- Mecca excepts Islam as their religion.

    After several years of fighting and conflict with the people of Mecca, they eventually gave up and made Islam their main religion.
  • 700

    17.2, Europe- Charlemagne comes into power

    Charlemagne led a very strong army. He ruled the franks and made them very powerful army. Charlemange spent much of his reign at war.
  • 711

    12.3 (part 1), Arabia- Army invades Spain

    A army combined of Arabs and berbers invaded Spain and conquered it. There plan was to convert a bunch of countries into Islamic countries.
  • 800

    17.3, Europe- Vikings, Mayars, and Muslims invade

    Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims started reading European countries. They attacked the Frankish kings and there armies were to weak to defeat them.
  • 900

    14.2, China- Invention of Paper money

    The Tang and Song Dynasty made many achievements during their time and one of them was the invention of paper money.
  • 1192

    15.3, Japan- Shoguns ruled in emperors place

    In japenese hierarchy the emperor was just a figurehead, the samurai were the ones who actually ruled. The samurais took the name shoguns since they were quite powerful generals
  • 1206

    14.4, China- Genghis Khan Unifies China

    The mongols had been living in northern plains of of China as a separate country until Genghis Khan United them as one country for the next hundred years.
  • 1255

    13.3, West Africa- Sundita Dies

    Sundiata was the ruler that helped Mali reach its height. He conquered a lot of nearby kingdoms and made Mali very powerful. After he died rulers of Mali took the title mansa.
  • 1300

    15.2, Japan- Musicals were Created

    Japenese created drama mixed with music, acting, and dancing called Nohs. The plays usually told stories about Japan’s history.
  • 1320

    12.4, Arabia- Ibn Battutah travel for geographical purposes

    Muslims made long lasting achievements in geography mostly because of ibn Battutah traveling the world and finding many geographical locations.
  • 1325

    16.2, Early America’s- Aztecs build there capital

    The Aztecs made a strong powerful govement with a central capital, once they built there capital they started conquering neighboring lands
  • 1400

    16.3, Early America’s- Pachutti Expands rule

    Pachatutti statered moving Inca territory and rule all over Mesoamerica. Many leaders after him followed his ideas and made the Inca rule massive.
  • 17.4, England- Feudlism Appears

    Feudlism spread in Europe very similar to japans societies. Japan did have it much earlier than Europe. It also lasted a lot longer in Japan.
  • 13.4, West Africa- African art inspires Europeans

    West African artists made many sculptures for religious reasons such as gifts to their gods. Their art was so admired that European artists like Pablo Piccaso and Henri Matisse got inspired by their art.
  • ME: the q’ran in Muslim lives

    Tech q’ran is still used and followed by the Muslims. Followers of Islam still use the q’ran in their daily lives and follow it for their rituals and culture.
  • ME, Chapter 13- Modern Day Ghana

    Emperors in Ghana helped form a large empire out of Ghana even though there not as successful as they once were there still a country with people living there because of the salt and gold trade thousands of years ago.
  • ME, Japan- Culture

    Culture in Japan back hundreds of years ago is still the same kind of ideas in fashion and literature.
  • ME, Early America’s, Maya Calender

    Thousands of years ago The Maya devolved a calender based on the stars. There calender ended in 2012. This impacted many lives in our modern world. Many people were preparing for the world to end in 2012 because of the Maya prediction.
  • ME, Chapter 17-Europe

    Missionaries are still people working to spread the message of what they believe in around Europe and all over the world