Long rifle
Was developed in Pennsylvania, America in the 1700s, however overtime it was improved. Had a long barrel that increased accuracy of projection. Before the invention of the long rifle guns such as smooth bore muskets were not as accurate. -
Paul Revere
Paul Revere is best known for his ride across the Charles River into Charleston and then to Lexington. He made this ride in order to warn Sameul Adams and John Hancock that the Bristish troops were starting to attack. -
Benjamin Franklin
He arrived in America during the war and was voted to be a member of the Continental Congress and he also helped to draft the Declaration of Independence. -
George Washington
During the American Revolution, George Washington was best knon for being the General of the American soldiers. He helped to lead America to several great victories. After the American Revolution was over and America was finally free from Britain, the people appointed George Washington to be the very first President of the United States of America. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
During this battle, the British were planning on taking over several hills in order to gain a tactical advantage over the Americans. The Americans knew about this, and thus went up onto Bunker Hill as well as Breeds Hill. Once the British realized that the Americans did this, they attacked. The British won the battle because the colonists had to retreat from lack of ammo, but the British suffered from 226 deaths and 800 wounded which is consideralby less than the Americans. -
A spike built to be put on the barrel of a gun to assist in hand to hand combat as opposed to only being able to shoot bullets which can easily run out or take too long to load. It dates back to the 16th century and it existed in many European armies. It was particularly relevant in Spain and France. However, this inventions introduction to the American army made a huge impact on the war. -
Colonies Declare Independence From Britian
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin,Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman were the five men that were appointed by the conitnental congress in order to write the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was written to state all of the reasons that America wanted to declare its independence from Britain. Not all of the colonies wanted to declare their Independence until we had stronger alliances with Britain, but on July 4, 1776 we had the final version of the Declaration made. -
Colonies Adopt Stars and Stripes
On this date, the contintental congress passed a flag resolution that stated that the American flag would have 13 stripes, that alternated red and white, and also 13 white stars to represent the 13 colonies. The structure of this American flag is still the same today, except instead of 13 starts to represent the original 13 colonies, we have 50 stars to represent the 50 states in America. -
Battles of Saratoga
There were a couple battles that made up the Battles of Saratoga. The first one being the Battle of Freeman's Farm, and the Second battle being the Battle of Bemis Heights. The American's won both of these battles and during the Battle of Bemis Heights, the British, under command of General Burgoyne, surrenderd. To celebrate their victory over the British in the Battles of Saratoga, George Washington declared there to be a day of Thanksgiving on December 18. -
James Cook discovers Hawaii
Hawaii was inhabited by Hawaiians who thought of Cooke and his crew as gods. They did not believe that for long which led to battle between the British and the Hawaiians. -
France Becomes Allies with America
Transcript of Treaty of Alliance with FranceSince the Americans wanted to fight with Britian and France is an enemy to Britain, France and America thought it wise to become allies in order to strengthen themselves for war. Some important points from the treaty include "each on its own Part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its Power, against their common Ennemy, in order to attain the end proposed." and also Neither of the two either Truce or Peace with Great Britain" -
Joseph II assumes sole power over Austrian Empire
Before this time he ruled with his mother. However, when she died he completely changed the Hapsburg family ruling of the Austrian Empire. Effects of this change were a spread of education and an end to peasantry. This, of course, improved the Empire immensely. -
Herschel discovers Uranus
This was the first discovery of its kind made in modern times with modern technology, being the telescope. At first the planet was going to be named after his King, King George of England, however Uranus is the name that will catch on. -
Battle Of Yorkstown
Sept. 28th- October 19,1781 This was the last big battle of the American Revolution. When this Battle took place, France and America were allies and the French had defeated the British Navy and were moving towards Yorktown, while the Americans (who were being led by George Washingtion) were going south towards Yorktown as well. The British were out numbered and the American's were ready for another attack on the British, but instead on October 19, 1781, General Cornwallis surrendered. -
Jacob Yoder of Pennsylvania invented the first flatboat around 1781. His design was used as a basis for other flatboats. The flatboats helped with trade. It was a simple boat that could easily be taken apart when it arrives at its destination for use as lumber.