Pursuits Timeline

  • Move to the United States

    Moved from Vietnam, where I had lived for my first 2 years of life.
  • Kindgarten

    Learned English and made my first friend, Dominic, who taught me what kind of kid not to be, also forgot Vietnamese entirely
  • Moved to Malaysia

    Moved from the US
  • Start ISKL

    Start school at ISKL
  • Meeting Hayden and Grant

    My two first real best friends, and would be my best friends for the next few years
  • Start Getting Into Sports

    My dad signs me up for Saturday baseball and basketball
  • Getting Into Soccer

    My friend William gets me into Soccer, my first sport I was passionate about
  • My Grandfather passes away

    First loss I ever experienced
  • My Dad Shouts At Me

    I had a problem where I would cry a lot at school for no reason so I made a promise to my dad that I would stop if I could come to my grandfather's funeral, however, it didn't stop so my Dad shouted at me. After this, the problem stopped.
  • Join my first soccer team

  • 2014 - 2016

    I play a lot of soccer tournaments, at home and abroad, and get my first taste of losing and winning as a team
  • Move soccer teams

    Lost a lot of my friends and team mates
  • Gaming becomes more prevalent in my life

  • Getting into basketball

  • Make my first basketball team

  • Meet my friendgroup

  • Start high school

  • Covid

    Online school
  • Go to Global Squad

    Basketball summer camp, experience the US and it's competition