Traffic Builder
As a traffic builder, Pure Soul will be offering a free coffee mug to the first 100 customers. I selected this form of promotion because it will encourage people to come into our store, even though they do not necessarily have to purchase anything. Their image of quality may be salvaged once they frequent our store, see the high-quality food and beverages being served and receive a free mug. -
Period: to
Pure Soul Coffee Company
Coupon Plan
When the customers come in to redeem their traffic builder promotion on September 17th, they will receive a card with 10 punch spots on it. Each time a customer frequents our shop, they will receive a card and their card will be punched. This offers incentive for customers to frequent OUR coffee shop over another, since they have an image in their imagination of a free coffee of their chioce in the future. -
Product Sample
Now that customers have potentially gained some respect for Pure Soul's coffee, we will offer them a free sample of the foods we have to offer. The samples will be offered both at the counter where people place their to-go orders. A waitress will also take a tray of samples around to customers enjoying their coffee at various tables around the cafe. This promotion will help the image of the restaurant because after people sample our quality food, they will remember the decadent taste and return.