Horst Faas
This photo was captured on March 19, 1964 but the photographer won the Pulitzer Prize in 1965 for this photograph. The photograph shows a man holding the body of his child as the South Vietnemese Army rangers look down upon him.
Photo by: Horst Faas -
Eddie Adams
This photo was taken in 1968 but won the Pulitzer Prize in 1969. It shows a South Vietnamese General shooting and killing a suspected Viet Cong officer.
photo by: Eddie Adams -
Nick Ut
This photo won the Pulizter Prize in 1973 after photographing South Vietnamese forces following the children after a plan accidently dropped flaming napalm on its over troops and civilians.
photo by: Nick Ut -
Neal Ulevich
This picture shows a Thai political faction swinging at a lifeless student body outside the school after students demanded expolsion of a former military ruler and barricaded themselves inside.
photo by: Neal Ulevich -
Jean-Marc Bouju
Jean-Marc won the Pulitzer Prize in 1994 after photographing a starving women in a makeshift clinic in Ruhango, Rwanda. Thousands of refugees were taking shelter here while government troops were fighting against Rwandan rebels.
photo by: Jean-Mac Bouju -
Alan Diaz
Alan Diaz won the Pulitzer Prize in 2001 for capturing the search for Elian who was found in a closet of his great uncles house in Miami. There was a large controversy over immigration rights.
Photo by: Alan Diaz -
John Moore
John Moore won the Pulitzer Prize after he got this photo of a detainee in a confinement cell talking to a military policeman at the Abu Ghraib prison.
photo by: John Moore -
Muhammed Muheisen
This photo, taken by Muhammed, won him the Pulitzer Prize in 2004 when he captured this Iraqui man standing on top of a burning U.S. army Humvee in a northern part of Iraq. Muhammed was a part of a team that took these photographs in 2004.
Photo by: Muhammed Muheisen -
Oded Balilty
Oded won a Pulitzer Prize in 2007 after he captured this photo in 2006. The photo shows a lone Jewish settler struggling with an Israeli security officer.
Picture by: Oded Balilty -
Rodrigo Abd
Rodrigo won a Pulitzer Prize after capturing this young boy mourning at his fathers funeral after he was killed by a Syrian Army sniper.
Photo by: Rodrigo Abd