Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESEA provided federal funding to states for education programs for disadvantaged students to create educational equality. Money was distributed based on the number of low-income students in a school. Federal involvement was questioned since education is typically a state matter. However, this was justified under the "spending clause" of the Constitution since it supported equality. -
Report "Reclaiming our Nation at Risk"
Our system of education was not keeping up with the progress of other nations. This report recommended that "schools, colleges, and universities adopt more rigorous and measurable standards, and higher expectations for academic performance." Also, "4 year colleges and universities should raise their requirements for admission". -
1994 Improving America's Schools Act and Goals and 2000 Eduate America Act
Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994 - required state academic-content
standards and tests
Goals 2000: Educate America Act (1994) - provided federal funds to
aid states in writing those content standards -
ESEA Reauthorization: "No Child Left Behind"
This act ensured that states accepting the federal government's targeted investment agree to measure and report on results in terms of standards and accountability. Policymakers are now able to use the results from these tests to continue to raise the nation's standards and performance. -
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
Continuing resolution was passed instead. Legislation still continues without change until today. Failure to reauthorize leads to the following events under the authority of the Department of Education, which makes the following changes in legisation without Congressional approval. -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
This is a proposal from the Department of Education/Obama Administration for changing NCLB. It states that it is important to do a better job of educating future generations to keep opportunities for all equal. -
Illinois Adoption of the Common Core Standards
Illinois Public Act 96-0107 Illinois Longitudinal Data System project
Creates research and program assessment based on outcomes in the educational system that are created by linking program data, teacher evaluation data, and student achievement. -
2010 Illinois Performance Evaluation Reform Act and 2011 Senate Bill 7
Creates required guidelines for performance evaluation for Illinois public school teachers and administrators. -
Illinois Public Act 97-0607 (SB1799) Educator Certification and Licensure
Act requires the Illiois educator licensure system to be reconfigured by adding new standards and assessmens for pre-service teachers. The change is intended to strengthen the program. -
Illinois Public Act 97-0152 (revised) Charter School Law
This act allows for more charter schools in Illinois. It also creted the STate Charter School Commission. This commission is an independent state agency that has authority over state charter schools, not the local school district. -
NCLB Waivers/Flexibility
February Illinois Flexibility REquest Submitted