
Public Education History

  • Constitution of the United States Separates Church and State

    Constitution of the United States Separates Church and State
    The church and state could no longer be partners in education. Education thus turned from being religiously driven to civically driven. Religious content was replaced by educating the public how to participate in the new democratic Republic. This foundation has endured to this day.
  • Cardinal Report of 1918

    Cardinal Report of 1918
    This introduced the concept of differentiated curriculum. It gave the students some control over academic plans, and embraced individual differences. Most high schools still operate according to these practices.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    "Separate but equal" becomes "inherently unequal." This led in to integration of school populations and equalizing of educational resources. Inadvertently also led to the segregated districts we still see nowadays.
  • PL 94-142

    PL 94-142
    Ensured basic educational rights for children with disabilities. Paved the way for further amendments to integrate them with "normal children" and specialized education. Special education now takes place under the same roof as public education, in most instances.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    Put a spotlight on public education. Led to government intervention and competency tests. Built the foundation for national education goals and programs such as NCLB.