Pub and Pres Timeline

  • Day I was Born

    Day I was Born
    I was born at Olathe Medical Center
  • Tiger Woods

    Tiger Woods
    Tiger Woods becomes the first golfer to hold all four major golf titles simultaneously by winning the Master's tournament in Augusta, Georgia.
  • 9-11

    The 9/11 attack by Osama bin Laden's Islamic extremist terrorists group, al Qaeda, against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, led to American President George W. Bush calling for and getting tougher tough security standards, including the TSA, the Transportation Security Administration and the USA Patriot Act, and then invading Afghanistan, to root out al Qaeda and stop the Taliban who were protecting the terrorists.
  • Apple Computer Debuts the iPod

    Apple Computer Debuts the iPod
    Steven Jobs of Apple Computer introduced the iPod which introduced the concept of ultraportability to America and led to a revolution is cell phones with the introduction of the iPhone.
  • Brother was born

    My younger brother, Griffin, was born.
  • Human Genome Project Completed

    The Human Genome Project catalogued human DNA which will give geneticists a chance to use genetics, genetic engineering and gene therapy to cure genetic disorders and disease.
  • Congress Investigates Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports

    American sports and athletes have been tarnished by the use of steroids to enhance performance, such that Congress has investigated and asked for a special report, the Mitchell Report on what has become known as the Steroid Era, which has led to drug testing of professional athletes.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast, inundating the city of New Orleans with water from Lake Pontchartrain when the levees that maintain the below sea level city break. Over one thousand three hundred people perish from Alabama to Louisiana in one of the worst natural disasters to strike the United States.
  • Brother was born

    My youngest brother, Gannon, was born.
  • Started playing guitar

  • Moved to Colorado

    Moved to Colorado
  • Met my bestie

  • Moved back to Kansas

  • Cousin was born

    My baby cousin was born and is my favorite person ever!!
  • Got my first car

  • Went to Nashville

    I went to Nashville with my dad and we toured different colleges. I absolutely fell in love with Belmont University.