Age- 1
My mom took away my new Winnie The Pooh book I got for Christmas so I could open my other presents. I began crying because I couldn't see it. Piaget’s Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years) -
Age- 4
I broke a cup and I knew I would get in trouble for what I did so I blamed it on my baby brother. Kohlberg's Preconventional Level Stage 1 -
Age- 5
When I was younger I was always climbing trees and catching small animals to bring home. My mom never punished me for it and I was a very adventurous and imaginative child. Erikson’s Stage ~ Pre-Schooler ~ Initiative versus guilt -
Age- 6
When I used to play with my Little Pet Shops and made them talk to each other. Piaget’s Pre-operational stage (2-6 years) -
Age- 10
My parents encouraged my drawing abilities and I still draw a lot to this day. Erikson’s Stage ~ School-aged ~ Idustry vs Inferiority -
Age- 14
I completely changed how I dressed and how I cut my hair to help find who I was. Erikson’s Stage ~ Adolescent ~ Identity versus role confusion -
Age- 17
I didn't have many friends and felt isolated from everyone. Erikson’s Stage ~ Young Adult ~ Intimacy versus isolation -
Age- 18
I can have deep, intelligent conversations with my mom. Piaget’s Formal-operational stage (11+ years) -
Age- 40
I will be understanding and I won't be judgemental. I will attempt to understand the new generation's new ideas. Erikson’s Stage ~ Middle adult ~ Generativity versus stagnation -
Age- 70
I'll be old and remember all the accomplishments I had in my life. Erikson’s Stage ~ Senior adult ~ Ego identity vs. despair