Period: to
sensorimotor phase
In this phase babies create schemas and show the first signs of critical thinking -
Period: to
Trust V. Mistrust stage
The childs big question is can I trust the world. The child Will be going through feeding. -
Can raise head to 45 degrees
Baby can roll over
can sit with support
Period: to
This is the first of Kohlbergs stages that states that children follow rules in fear of punishment or in want of a concrete reward. -
can sit without support
can pull self to standing position
Temperment is how a baby acts. Their are three types of temperments Easy, difficult, and slow to warm up. Easy babies are on a stable eating and sleeping system and also are quick to warm up to people. Difficult babies are on an unorganized sleeping and eating system, and dont warm up to people. Slow to warm up babies will begin as difficult babies but slowly become easy babies over time. -
Walk with the help of furninture
Standing alone
physical and motor developement -
Attachment has been developed
There are two types of attachment secure and insecure. Secure attachment means the child will play and explore while the mother is near but will become distressed when they leave. An insecure attachment means the child is not exploring their environment and will cling to their mother and sometimes will not notie if the mother leaves. -
Physical and motor developement -
Period: to
In this stage the child is usually still egocentric. The child will not be able to make concrete mental functions. The child will become very curious during this time and will ask many questions. -
Period: to
Pride V. Shame stage
The childs big question is is it ok to be me the child will be going through potty training and clothing themselves. -
Period: to
Initiative vs. guilt stage
The persons question "is Is it okay for me to do, move, and act?" the child might make art and exploring. -
Period: to
Industry vs. inferiority stage
The persons big question is "Can I make it in the world of people and things?" The person might try sports or school clubs. -
Period: to
Concrete operational
At this stage conservation is learned ( understanding something can change one trait while others stay the same. Egocentrism is dropped. Abstract mental tasks like algebra are very hard to understand at this stage. -
Period: to
This is kohlbergs stage that states that children follow rules to fit in with social norms. -
A womans first menstral cycle.This marks a woman beginning to go through puberty. During puberty the girl will develope breast and hips. become able to sexually reproduce, their voice will lower and pubic hair will grow, while the uterus enlargens. -
Period: to
Identity vs. role confusion stage
The persons bug question is "Who am I? Who can I be?" The child will be exploring thier social interactions. -
A mans first ejaculation. This marks a boy entering puberty. puberty for males entales a growth of the penis and testes, the voice lowering, and pubic and facial hair growing. -
Period: to
Formal Operational
This is the final stage of developement that a person goes through. Abstract thought evolves. The child starts to think about thinking and theperson they will become emerges. -
Period: to
This is the last stage of kohlbergs stages it last the rest of your life it states you now make moral decisions based on complex ethical code. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. isolation
The persons big question is "Can I love?" The person will explore their romantic relationships -
enter early adulthood
during this time You have more fluid intelligence, the ability to reason quickly, than crystal intelligence ,which is the ability to have more knowledge while reasoning slower which happens in late adulthood -
Period: to
Young adulthood
Average age of having first child
Womans Average age of marriage
Male average age of marraige
Period: to
Generativity vs. stagnation stage
the persons big question is "Can I make my life count?" The person will either grow into a mentor for younger people or become a grouchy old person -
enter middle adulthood
Period: to
Late adulthood
Midlife transition
The transition from young adulthood to middle adulthood and begins to realize their own mortality -
Average age that Menopause begins at
Period: to
Ego integrity vs. despair stages
The persons big question is"Is it okay to have been me?" the person must look back on their life and be satisfied. -
Enter late adulthood
At this stage in life senses like sight and hearing start to decrease and the person will need help with glasses and hearing aids to help them do normal tasks. At this age the body will also become less stable while allowing for short term diseases to be more effective, many brain neurons will die, and people may eventually become senile. -
Alzhiemers and dementia
Alzhiemers is a disease that destroys the brain by taking away memory and reason by destruction of nuerons in the brain. Dementia another memory destroying illness also has the same type of symptoms as alzhiemers. -
male expected death date
average death date for females