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PSYA150 Erikson Timeline - Colby Teller

  • Ben Graduates from Pre-School

    Ben Graduates from Pre-School
    Ben (age 4) graduated preschool. He spent preschool learning to make choices on his own and play with other children.
    In Erikson's 3rd stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between being confident in asserting influence over the world and being scared and anxious to influence the world.
  • Ben attends a Rock Concert

    Ben attends a Rock Concert
    Ben (age 18) attends his first rock concert trying to discover his identity and what niche in society he fits into.
    In Erikson's 5th stage, identity versus role confusion, the crisis of this stage is forming an identity based on the social roles around you, and being confused about your identity if you don't find out what role you fit into and may feel lost.
  • Ben dies of old age

    Ben dies of old age
    Ben died at the age of 67 he never married and spent most of his life pursuing a career he was not satisfied with. His last years were filled with grumpiness and regret that he didn't pursue other passions.
    In Erikson's 8th stage, ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between being satisfied with accomplishments throughout life and regret that you can't go back in time and change what went wrong.