Layla Trust vs Mistrust
Layla (age 1) has begun to trust her new caregiver on her second day of daycare. Her loving mother waited as long as she could, however she had to return to work and put her in the care of someone she trusted.
In Erikson's first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, Layla is loved and well cared for therefor she develops trust for those who surround her. Basically the relationship you have with parental figures or family sculpts your ability to trust and your outlook on the world. -
Layla Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Layla (age 2.5) has begun to tell adult figures as well as classmates that she would rather complete tasks saying, "no, mine". In daycare she insists that she paint with red.
In Erikson's second stage, Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt, Layla is beginning to develop a sense of self by expressing her interests and preferences to others. Her daycare allows free expression and encourages this personal development. -
Layla Initiative vs Guilt
Layla (age 4) Layla has developed the initiative to independently brush her teeth multiple times a day. In Erikson's third stage, Initiative vs Guilt, Layla's mother and dentist have encouraged her to engage in good hygiene to keep her teeth healthy and white and she has responded with retaining responsibility of this task. -
Layla Industry vs Inferiority
Layla (age 6) is now facing grade school and the rules that follow.
In Erikson's fourth stage, Industry vs Inferiority, Layla is blossoming in her new environment with encouragement from her instructor. She is following directions well and complying with classroom rules and she is beginning to feel confident as a student and learner.