PSY A313 Timeline on Susan B. Anthony

  • Fighting for women's right to vote

    Fighting for women's right to vote
    Anthony and Stanton founded the National Woman Suffrage Association. This association would be created for the use of fighting for the rights of women, and making it so that the rights of women were equal to those for men. The NWSA aimed for a constitutional amendment to allow women to vote. This invited others to support the woman's right to vote as well. I believe this event influenced gender equality, as she helped the promote women's right to vote.
  • Promoting gender equality

    Promoting gender equality
    Anthony help found the organization of International Council of Women, that advocated for the human rights for women, as well as promoting health, peace, equality and education. ICW would hold its convention in March 25-April 1st, spreading their word across the nation. I believe this event influenced gender equality, as it would connect women around the world that would help fight for women's rights and equality.
  • University of Rochester opens to women

    University of Rochester opens to women
    The university was founded as an all-male academy, but Anthony would lead a successful campaign that would soon allow women to admit in the University by raising $100,000 in pledges. The day before the deadline they were $8000 short, yet Anthony was able to collect the remaining funds to guarantee the admission for women; including the cash value of her life insurance policy. I believe this influenced gender equality, as it allowed all genders to attend, regardless of their gender.
  • International Alliance of Women

    International Alliance of Women
    Anthony help found the non-governmental organization that worked toward women's rights and gender equality. They stressed that human rights apply to everyone, regardless of gender. The organization has also focused on LGBT rights, stating that, "we fight together for a society where gender and sexuality do not limit an individual". I believe this event influenced gender equality, as it not only fought for women's rights, but for trans women rights as well.
  • References

    Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 26). International Alliance of Women. Wikipedia.
  • References

    A&E Networks Television. (2021, May 6). Susan B. Anthony.
    Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, May 9). International Council of Women. Wikipedia.
    Alhart, V. (2022, February 16). Susan B. Anthony: A life and legacy entwined with Rochester. News Center.