Amanda's decision to become a Wildlife Biologist: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Amanda (age 18) decided to go to school to become a Wildlife Biologist. Her love for wildlife, throughout Erikson's Identity vs. Role Confusion stage, made her choose this career path. She felt like she shared many interests with others that pursued this career path and soon become close friends with them. In Erikson's fifth stage, the crisis is to figure out what type of person he/she wants to be as an adult (identity). They struggle with career, relationship, beliefs, and value choices. -
Amanda's decision to marry: Intimacy vs. Isolation
Amanda (age 29) decided to get married to Rory O'Hanrahan in order to get a tax benefit and to share her love with someone. She decided the risk to open up her life and mind with another person was worth the goal of a lasting, happy, and stable relationship (intimacy). In Erickson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is to strive for a happy relationship to be intimate or avoid a lasting relationship to be isolated. -
Amanda and Rory decision to have a baby: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Amanda and Rory decided to have a baby to be able to care for something they have created together. They wanted to give love, affection, and knowledge for their baby to be successful in life (generativity). In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation, the crisis is to have a drive to care for your family and future generations or to not want to give yourself and time to others and your family (stagnation).