Proxy War Assignment

By Ammells
  • Period: to

    Proxy War Assignment

  • Creation of Untied Nations

    The United Nations was created June of 1945. The United Nations is made up of The United States and The Soviet Union and 48 other coutries. The purpose of The United Nations was to protect each country. The five permanent members of the Security Council were Britain, China, France, The United States, and The Soviet Union. The purpose of the Sercurity Council was to make all big decisions and to settle any disputes. Also, it's intension was to ensure that one country could not override another.
  • An Iorn Curtain divied East and West.

    Europe was now divided between the East and the West. The Soviets controlled the Eastern part, which included the half of the Captol, Berlin. East Germany was now named the German Democratic Republic, Under a communist government. The western zones became the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949.
  • Standoff at the 38th parallel

    The 38th parallel was the division between North and South Korea. North Koreans swept accross the 38th parallel and surprisngly attacked South Korea. North Korean troops penetrated the south. Truman resolved to help South Korea resist communist.
  • The Second Indochina War

    In the summer of 1954, a defeated France was forced to leave Vietnam after one hundred years of colonial rule. Under the orders from General Vo Nguyen Giap, national forces defeated the allied French troops at the remote mountain outpost of Dien Bien Phu in the northwest corner of Vietnam.
  • The Geneva Peace Accords

    The Geneva Peace Accords was signed by France and Vietnam during the summer on 1954. This reflected the strains of the national Colw War. Communist superpowers feared they would ander the United States and its Western european allies. Neither Moscow or Peking wanted to risk another confrontation with the West.
  • GVN

    The Eisenhower administration contributed in creating a nw nation in Southern Vietnam. With the help of American military, political, and economic aid, the Republic of Vietnam was created.
  • U.S. Troops Enter The Fight

    Two U.S destroyers were attack by Vietnamese by North Vietnamese patrol boats. These attacks happened in the Gulf of Tonkin.President Lyndon Johnson troops to fight in Vietnam. U.S. planes began to bomb North Vietnamese.
  • The Parcham plot

    During the summer, a longtime ally of Taraki, Hafizullah Amin, had discovered that Babrak Karmal lead a Parcham plot to overthrow the Taraki regime. Amin begin to kill and execute many Parchamists and consolidate his own power.
  • The launch of a successful coup

    In the middle of the summer of 1973, the former Afghan prime minister, Mohammed Daoud, successfully launched a coup against King Zahir. His coup was dependent on pro-Soviet military and political factions, while being more nationalst than socialist.
  • Soviet Union Invasion

    Late in December, 1979, the Soviet Union sent thousands of troops to Afghanistan. They immedianently assumed complete military and political control of large areas of the country, including Kabul.