
By StevenH
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Were a group of nine students that were enrolled to an all-white central high school in little rock, Arkansas in September 1957. This made the white people mad and started a riot outside the school because there were black people entering the school. In addition, there was the police surrounding them for their safety
  • Sit-ins: Greensboro, N.C.

    Sit-ins: Greensboro, N.C.
    Was a civil right protest in 1960
    When young African American students sit in a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter and refused to leave after being denied service
    Took place in Greensboro, North Carolina
  • Selma - Montgomery March

    Selma - Montgomery March
    The Selma Montgomery was part of the series of the civil-Rights protest in Alabama in 1965
    Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
  • Watts Riots 1965

    Watts Riots 1965
    The predominantly black
    Watts neighborhood in Los Angeles, people were being treaded bad around them for both race white and black. This one time it hit breaking point after the incident with the two white police man, they arrested a black person because they thought that he was drunk and driving, they thought it was another racial arrest by the white cops and it caused a riot so. Buildings were destroyed, burning down, people were looting stores and tons of people arrested and dead
  • Newark Riots 1967

    Newark Riots 1967
    Occurred July 12, 1967
    When a black cab driver was beaten, and arrested by two white police officers for a minor traffic
    Took place in Newark central ward area
    Protesters began throwing rocks, breaking police windows, and two days of looting
  • King's March on Washington D.C.

    King's March on Washington D.C.
    There was a march on Washington that was a massive protest that happened on august 1963 lead by 250,000 people. They all stood in front of the Lincoln memorial in Washington D.C. The reason for this march was to get the attention for inequalities of the African American after the emancipation
  • LA Riots 1992

    LA Riots 1992
    Four Los Angeles police officers been caught beating an unarmed African American
    Protesters in south-central Los Angeles blocked freeway traffic and beat motorists, wrecked and looted numerous downtown stores and buildings, and set more than 100 fires
    Began April 3 1992
    All 4 police officers were charged for assault with a deadly weapon
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    A civil rights protest about a African American refusing to ride the city bus in Montgomery, Alabama
    Took Place December 5,1995, to December 20, 1996
    An African american women named Rosa Parks was arrested and fined for refusing to giver her bus seat to a white man
  • Ferguson Mo. 2014

    Ferguson Mo. 2014
    On Aug. 9, 2014, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed
    Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown reached into the vehicle and fought for his gun
    Examiners found Mr. Browns blood outside the driver’s door, two shots were fired by officer Wilson and one bullet was found lodged in the driver’s door
    Some witnesses say that Mr. Brown walked toward Officer Wilson or that Mr. Brown raised his hand’s up
  • Baltimore Protests 2015

    Baltimore Protests 2015
    Less than three weeks after a 25-year-old man died a local high school said that a purge was scheduled
    Protesters are beginning to throw bottles at police officers and journalists
    Baltimore police report a massive fire at federal street and gay street
    A man has been caught stabbing a hose that firefighters are trying to use