1740 BCE
Maria Theresa becomes Empress
Maria Theresa becomes Empress and married someone, but she is the ruler.
Her youngest daughter became Marie Antonitte of France -
1739 BCE
The Hapsbourgs have problems
There is no son to take over the throne! Charles VI had no living son, but a daughter: Maria Theresa -
1648 BCE
End of War!
Peace treaty of Westphalia: Nobody is happy, because nobody won and they lose many resources, but they ended the war. -
1648 BCE
But...Who won?
France won! France gain territory through out the battles. It was the country who actually had a "reward" from the war. -
1643 BCE
New people in France's Goverment
Louis XIII dies, and the HABSBURG princess Anne of Austria becomes regent (while Cardinal Mazarin succeeds Richelieu), but France’s anti-Habsburg policy remains unchanged; peace talks begin in Westphalian cities of Münster & Osnabrück. -
1640 BCE
Collapse of Spanish military power as Catalonia and Portugal revolt.
1635 BCE
Peace of Prague
The Peace of Prague: Ferdinand II greatly weakens terms of Edict of Restitution to achieve reconciliation with the Protestant Electors of Saxony & Brandenburg. Thereafter the war basically pits Austria and Spain against France and Sweden, but it continues to be fought on German soil. -
Period: 1620 BCE to 1645 BCE
Many different Battles
1619 BCE
Start of the War
The Catholics and king Ferdinand ll sought aid from catholic kingdoms like France and Spain, and the Protestants sought aid to Protestant kingdoms: Great Britain, Dutch Republic, and Denmark -
1618 BCE
Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand ll
Ferdinand ll wanted that all Protestants in his land turned to Catholics. In return, the Protestants throwed his nobles through a window.