Prophecies about Jesus

  • 4000 BCE

    Prophesied to be bruised in the heel and to crush Satan in the head

    Gen. 3:15 (between 4026 and 3896)
  • 1943 BCE

    Prophesied to come through Abraham's line

    Gen 12:4-7 (see also 13:14-17;15:18;17:2-8,19:22:15-18)
  • 1711 BCE

    Prophesied come from tribe of Judah

    Gen 49:10
  • 1070 BCE

    Prophesied come from David's line

    1 Chron 17:11-14;2 Sam 7:12-16; Luke 1:32,33
  • 745 BCE

    Prophesied flight to/from Egypt

    (804-745) Hosea 11:1
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied silent before accusers

    778-732 Isa 53:7; Matt 27:12-14
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied be stone ppl strike and stumble

    Isa 8:14
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied born of virgin

    Isa 7:14
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied anointed to declare, bind, proclaim

    Isa 61:1,2 Luke 4:16-21
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied buried w/ rich

    Isa 53:9
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied light of the nations

    Isa 42:6; 49:6; Luke 2:32
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied not make voice heard in the street

    Isa 42:1,2
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied great light seen in Galilee of the nations

    Isa 9:1,2; Matt 4:13-17
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied ppl not put faith in JC

    Isa 53:1;6:10
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied JH crush JC, guilt offering, prolong days

    Isa 53:10
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied everlasting covenant

    Isa 55:3
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied take sicknesses and carry our diseases

    Isa 54:4
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied back to strikers and spit upon

    Isa 50:6
  • 732 BCE

    Prophesied to be precious cornerstone, sure foundation

    Isa 28:16
  • 732 BCE

    Jehovah will train/teach, Jesus listen

    Isa 50:4,5
  • 717 BCE

    Prophesied to be born in Bethlehem

    Micah 5:2 (777-717)
  • 580 BCE

    Prophesied weeping over sons in Ramah

    Jer 31:15,16 ; Matt 2:16-18
  • 536 BCE

    70 weeks prophesy

    Dan 9:24-27
  • 518 BCE

    Prophesied will be pierced

    Zech 12:10
  • 518 BCE

    Prophesied strike shepherd flock scattered

    Zech 13:7
  • 518 BCE

    Prophesied to ride donkey

    Zech 9:9 (520-518)
  • 518 BCE

    Sprout prophesy

    Zech 3:8
  • 518 BCE

    Prophesied betrayed for 30 pieces of silver

    Zech 11:12,13
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied given gall (poison) to drink

    Ps 69:21 (after basheba)
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied cast lots for clothes

  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied attack hands and feet

  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied mortal man, crowned glory, given dominion

    Ps 8:4-6
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied stone rejected becomes cheif cornerstone (death and resurrection)

    Ps 118:22; Luke 20:9-17; Acts 4:10,11; 1 Pet 2:5-7
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied mock and shake heads at JC

    Ps22:7, Matt 27:39
  • 468 BCE

    Covenant priest like Melchizedek

    Ps 110:4 Heb 7:17
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied not leave in grave

  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied "you are my son, today i have become your father"

    Ps. 2:7 by his resurrection he was declared gods son, declared righteous in spirit
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied bones not broken

    Ps 34:20
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied JC will teach with illustrations

    Ps 78:2
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied hated without cause

    Ps 35:19;69:4; John 15:25
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied "zeal for your house will consume me"

    Ps 69:9
  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied "my god my god why have you forsaken me?"

  • 468 BCE

    Prophesied close friend will betray JC

    Ps 41:9
  • 443 BCE

    Prophesied way was to be prepared

    Mal 3:1;4:5,6 ; Isa 40:3
  • 2 BCE

    Simeon prophecies about Jesus

    (40 days after Jesus birth) Luke 2:25-35
  • 2 BCE

    Angels announce to shepherds Christ the Lord was born in Bethlehem

    Luke 2:11
  • 2 BCE

    Jesus Born in Bethlehem

    Luke 2:1-6
  • 1 BCE

    Flight to and return from Egypt (1BCE or 1 CE)

    Matt 2:13-15,19,20
  • 29

    Jesus Baptized

    Messiah appeared
  • 29

    John begins his ministry (prepares the way)

    Lukes 3:1,2 (Spring of 29CE)
  • 30

    Jesus cleanses Temple (1st time)

    Springtime. Fulfills Ps 69:9
  • 32

    Caiaphas Prophesies about Jesus death

    John 11:49-52
  • 33

    Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (Nisan 9)

    Matthew 21:1-9
  • 33

    Jesus cleanses Temple (2nd time)

  • 33

    Jesus dies

    Nisan 14
  • Jesus begins ruling as King
