The Great War Begins
What would become known as the Great War or World War I began in Europe. -
USA Joins the Great War
After remaining neutral for the first years of the war, the US declared war, joining the allied forces. -
I Want YOU
James Montgomery Flagg's famous patriotic depiction of American government - Uncle Sam - recruiting soldiers. -
Wake Up America Day
America had remained neutral in the war until April 6th of 1917 when President Willson and the U.S. Congress made a declaration of war. This poster calls for the American people to get on board with the war efforts. -
Be A Man And Do It!
Yet another way to persuade men to join the armed forces was used here - an oppotunity to prove their manhood! -
World War I - Bonds
This poster encourages people to make a financial sacrifice to preserve liberty. The idea is that this is a small price to pay for continued freedom! -
The critical need for excellent work is proclaimed in graphic detail that would be hard for workers to ignore. -
Hitler joins small German Workers Party
Hitler volunteered for the German army when World War I broke out. He served for two years in the army, then in October 1916, he was gassed. After he was hospitalized he recieved the Iron Cross first class in August 1918. He now saw war veterans as heroes. After the war he took up political work and by 1919 he joined the German Workers Party which would eventually turn into the Naztionalist Socialist party. -
Mass Radio Reception
To make mass radio reception possible, "politische Radiogeräte" (political radio equipment) are developed in Germany. The first of these is the Volksempfänger. The Volksempfänger (People's Radio) is also known as the VE 301, which refers to January 30, 1933, the date Hitler became chancellor of Germany. The People's Radio can receive only long wave, meaning that it cannot receive broadcasts from most foreign radio stations. -
Kristallnacht or "Night of The Broken Glass"
"The Night of Broken Glass" was devistating to the Jewish shop owners because their whole shops were vandelized and looted taking away their lifeline. -
World War 2
World War 2 is another cause of the evolution of propaganda. The war started on September 1, 1939, and lasted until April of 1945. Hitler was a huge propagandist. He spread the usage of propaganda from simply speaking influentially to large groups of crowd, and the usage of posters was spread rapidly. -
Poland attack follow
Following the attack on Poland, the "Ordinance on Extraordinary Radio Measures" prohibits Germans from listening to and disseminating information from foreign radio stations. Listening to foreign radio broadcasts becomes an offense against national security punishable with a prison term. In 1941, the punishment becomes death. All radio sets are to bear a sticker carrying a brief warning against Feindhörer ("those who listen to the enemy"), who were threatened with severe punishments. Further cha -
Propaganda from WWII was so effective for a few reasons. They used fear, sympathy, anger, sadness, and civic duty to one's country to achieve the goals of the posters. -
All Jews in German controlled areas must wear the yellow Star Of David.
The wearing of the yellow star by the Jews is just another way for the Nazi's to alianate the Jews. -
The use of posters dimmished after WWII, due to the invention of T.V. and the use of radio, much how we see government influences today. -
1960's : Cold War
At the height of the tension between capatilism and communism, the Russians used anti-capitalist posters and portrayed them as sketchy, sneaky, degraded figures. -
Propaganda is the persuasive advertisement that is made to change the publics' opinion or point of view to follow the advertisement's opinion. -
Evidence of intentional propaganda can be traced back as far as ancient Greece, the advent of communication media on a larger scale has exponentially increased its usage. After the invention of the printing press, it became possible to quickly and easily produce posters and books. -
Invention of Printing Press
"Gutenberg took some existing technologies and some of his own inventions to come up with the printing press in the year 1450." Before the printing press, "the majority of propaganda was spread by mouth." However, when the printing press was invented, it was possible for propaganda to be quickly and easily produced for usage. Therefore, the invention of the printing press was a huge cause for the evolution of propaganda. -
Radio was by far the most effective way to prevent or promote social change. In many areas, it still is. Radio propaganda can be broadcast over great distances to a large audience at a relatively low cost. Through radio, a propagandist could bring his voice and all the persuasive power of his emotions to millions of people.