civil war timeline

By dahron
  • northwest ordinance

    this was gained by negotiating the treaty of paris. they added five new states. and this was a success under the AOC. it set a precedent for new states and it out lawed slavery.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana land through the treaty. it added a huge chunk to the U.S and added 13 states. he used a loose interpretation of the alastic clause to gain the land. it secured control over the mississpii river and it expanded democracy.
  • monroe doctrine

    President Monroe issued it to keep European countries from colonizing in Latin America. it was enforced by the British navy. and the army was limited.
  • Missouri compromise

    in the year of 1820 the Missouri compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state. it also drew the line for the expansion of slavery at 36´30¨ line. and it also messed up the balance
  • nullification crisis

    the federal government passed a high tariff, which made the south mad. Andrew Jackson wanted to make sure that the federal government kept all of its strength. He didn't want to lose his support from the south so he lowered the tariff. it made the states push for their rights.
  • texas annexation

    Mexico refused to recognize Texas independence. texas couldn´t be admitted as a new state because of bordered disputes. texas remains an independent republic for decades. and later on, u.s purchased it.
  • Oregon treaty.

    it was a problem between America and the British. it led to the negotiation of an American British border. America was willing to go to war over the territory. it allowed u.s to take control. and it avoided war.
  • Mexican Cession

    the Mexican cession contained territories that made up a lot of the southwestern u.s. the Mexican cession also completed manifest destiny. and u.s acquired this by the treaty that ended the war.
  • compromise of 1850

    California was admitted as a free state. also it introduced the principle of popular sovereignty. And there was something that was called the fugitive slave law and this required the north to return runaway slaves.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    this act overturned the Missouri Compromise. Also, both sides sent supporters to sway votes. And with them in competition of pro-slavery anti-slavery forces had to get violent and that caused something known as bleeding Kansas.
  • bleeding Kansas

    the two groups competition eventually turned violent because the act allowed popular sovereignty. it was important because it showed how the north and the south sectionalism increased.
  • fort Sumter

    it was the first battle of the civil war. the union surrendered and it lasted 1 day. it's important because throughout they the depended on economic resources.
  • battle of bull run

    it was a key battle and it happened outside of manasis Virginia. the general of the confederate side was Thomas Jackson. and the people thought the war would end quickly.
  • battle of Antietam

    this was the bloodiest day of the war. Also, this gave lincoln the opportunity to move forward with the emancipation proclamation. also, 23,000 soldiers died that day.
  • emancipation proclamation

    when the emancipation proclamation was first announced by lincoln they were introduced as a military measure. and later in the year when it was actually announced he gave them a chance to rejoin bit the south declined. it was important later on because the word got around to African Americans and this led them to fight with the union side.
  • battle of vicksburg

    it was fought in Vicksburg Mississippi and it was also a key battle. Later on, during that battle, the Louisiana days split the confederacy days were split into two. and it was also a turning point in the western theatre.
  • battle of gettys burg.

    it took place in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. during the battle, lee set off in Pennsylvania to take some union ground. But with the union thinking smartly it caused them to have an advantage. this was the 2nd and last attempt for the south to take the north.
  • gettysburg address

    it was a speech made by lincoln. it took place in Gettys burg Pennsylvania. it was about dedicating the battlefield to falling soldiers. and it was important because lincoln spoke about why the civil war was being fought.
  • Period: to

    presidential reconstruction

    during the reconstruction, johnson wanted to continue lincoln´s reconstruction plan. also, there was something called the 10 % plan which meant only 10% of the voters in 1860 needed to. But Congress wanted to make sure Johnson didn´t mess up the efforts of congress. high military leaders were banned from this process.
  • Sherman march to the sea

    Sherman followed something that was called the total war strategy. He also led his forces on a march to the sea from Tennessee to Georgia. and his main objective was to capture the port at Savannah Georgia.
  • 13th amendment

    it ended slavery. also, the southern states had to recognize the 13 amendment in order to form a government. But the black codes showed the southerners who were not willing to recognize the rights of freedmen.
  • 14th amendment

    it granted all men be birthright citizenship. this means everyone who was born in the u.s were automatically citizens. This amendment also overturned the Dred Scott case.
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    congressional reconstruction

    congressional reconstruction also known as radical reconstruction was trying to maintain their main goal which was to punish the south during the civil war. But congress needed southern states in order to ratify the 14th amendment to grant African Americans the right to vote. There was also something known as the military reconstruction which split the former confederacy into 5 military districts controlled by the U.S army. This was important because they had to let African Americans vote.
  • 15th amendment

    before this amendment was passed only white men were allowed to vote. this amendment allowed all men the right to vote. And it was important because the republican party wanted to come to power in the south.
  • plessy v. Ferguson

    this went by something known as ¨separate but equal¨. The supreme court made segregation legal. And it brought more jim crow laws. This was important because the government abandoned protecting rights.