
  • California Droughts

    It is a recurring feature of our climate. Droughts cause public health and safety impacts, as well as economic and environmental impacts. Examples of other impacts include costs to homeowners due to loss of residential landscaping, degradation of urban environments due to loss of landscaping, agricultural land fallowing and associated job loss, degradation of fishery habitat, and tree mortality with damage to forest ecosystems.
  • 2 billion

    2 billion
  • Minamata Disaster

    • Minamata was a chemical company that was dumping chemical into the bay. This effected the fish and shell fish in their area. It effected the people because that was their man way to get food.
  • 3 Billion

    3 billion
  • Amazon Deforestation

    • The Amazon in loosing trees because of the use of the land. They are taking the land to use for farm land, Gold mining and fires.
  • Silent Spring

    • Silent Spring was about Carsons research on insecticides on bird population. It effected the people by showing them whats the outcome of chemical companys dumbing their waste. This was the beginning of the Movement.
  • River Fire

    The Cuyahoga River fire has become a symbol of water pollution. Heavy industry dominates this section of the river.
  • Clean Air Act

    The clean air act is the comprehensive federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources. It addresses emissions of hazardous air pollutants. Has the potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of a hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons per year or more of a combination of hazardous air pollutants.
  • Stockholm Conference

    • Summary description: Stockholm was the first world conference to make the environment issue. The Stockholm declaration contained 26 principles. Holds four-week session every year in July.
  • Endangered Spices Act

    • It was a Act that was passed to protect endangered animals for being killed. It effected some hunters that hunted the animals for a living. It helped the movement by slowing and stopping the killing of certain species.
  • 4 billion

    4 billion
  • Love Canal

    • The love canal was a waste dump that was covered. The people who bought it build neighborhoods and the chemicals leaked into the houses and they had to evacuate. Causing a 20 million settlement for the family
  • Bhopal Diester

    • Bhopal disaster was when 40 tons methyl gas leaked from a plant. It killed 3800 people and injured thousands. Since it happen India has improved and moved to a more industrialized life.
  • Chernobyl meltdown

    • The Chernobyl was a flawed reactor the leaked 5% of radio active reactor core. 2 workers died because of the expolsion that it created. 350,000 people were evacuated from because of the dangers
  • Kyoto Protocol

    • The Kyoto was a way to stop emission of gasses that contribute to global waring. It reduced the emission of 6 gases in 41 countries
  • Montreal Protocol

    • Montreal Protocol is a agreement to protect the ozone layer. They wanted to stop the production of ODS
  • 5 billion

    5 billion
  • Exxon Valdrez

    • 11 million gallons of oil was spilled. This made one of the largest environmental disaster. Exxon settled for 25 million in plea agreement and 100 million in criminal res and 900 in civil settlement
  • 6 billion

    6 billion
  • Inconvenient Truth

    An inconvenient truth is a documentary film. His idea came from a producer Laurie David, who saw the presentation at a town hall meeting on global warming. The film gross 24 million in the U.S. and 26 million in other countries. Gore also presents anartic ice corin gshowing CO2 levels are higher now than it was in the past 650,000 years
  • 7 billion

    7 billion
  • 8 Billion

    8 billion