project 3, part 3

  • Thomas Jefferson elected president

    Thomas Jefferson was elected president. His soon to be applied methods would change America, and influence it to be what it is today.
  • Lousiana purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase was between France and the United States, and gave US all of the Lousiana territory.
  • Louis and Clark's expedition

    Louis and Clark begin a journey that would explore much of modern day America and Mexico
  • War of 1812 begins

    This short war was between US, and Great Britain.
  • Star Spangled Banner is written

    Following the War of 1812, the Star Spangled Banner was written to show the power and pride of The United States, and their flag
  • The War of 1812 ended

    The war ended, and although both sides ended in somewhat of a tie, both countries were satisfied with the results.
  • Missouri compromise

    The Missouri compromise gave Maine a free state status, while Missouri would be stated a slave state.
  • Articles of confederation

    America applies the Articles of Confederation. These articles were the first form of constitution known to Americans.