project 3, part 2

  • New Jersey colonies established

    New Jersey became officially recognized as a colony. Queen Anne did so by combining West and East Jersey.
  • Georgia colony

    One of the last of the colonies settled. Granted acceptance into America by George II.
  • French and Indian war

    This war was between British America and New France. Both sides were assisted by the other countries, and by the Indians
  • Declaration of Independance

    America steals its independence from Britain, in a famous and world-changing day.
  • Britain accepts defeat.

    Britain admits failure, and claim that all hostilities from the British to the Americans has come to a stop.
  • Treaty of paris

    This treaty ended the American Revolution. It was signed in Paris by King George and American representatives.
  • Religious freedom achieved

    Following Thomas Jefferson's plan, freedom of religion was gained.
  • Bill of rights

    The Bill Of Rights is a document that states Americans' rights and freedoms. It contains the first 10 ammendments in the constitution.