Project 2 Timeline: Arts Education in a Historical Context

  • 65% of children recieved an arts education (Appx. PEAK YEAR before decline)

    The Survey of Public Participation in the Arts reported that in 1985, appx. 65% of 18 year olds claimed to have any kind of arts education in their childhood (referring to about their childhood about 5-10 years prior to the date they took the survey). Therefore, surveyers who were surveyed in 1985 were recieving childhood education around 1975-1985.
  • 63% of children recieved an arts education (Beginning on the "turning point" in arts education)

    The Survey of Public Participation in the Arts reported that in 1992, appx. 63% of 18 year olds claimed to have any kind of arts education in their childhood (referring to about their childhood about 5-10 years prior to the date they took the survey). Therefore, surveyers who were surveyed in 1992 were recieving childhood education around 1987.
  • 57% of children recieved an arts education

    The Survey of Public Participation in the Arts reported that in 2002, appx. 57% of 18 year olds claimed to have any kind of arts education in their childhood (referring to about their childhood about 5-10 years prior to the date they took the survey). Therefore, surveyers who were surveyed in 2002 were recieving childhood education around 1997.
  • 100% of "free/reduced lunch" students HAVE music programs

    (compared to 2012, only 81% have music programs.)
  • 20% of elementary schools offered drama

    (compared to only 4% in 2009)
  • No Child Left Behind Act is signed under Bush administration

    the NCLB Act ended up causing major affects in education budgeting and scheduling.
  • 49.5% of children recieved an arts education

    The Survey of Public Participation in the Arts reported that in 2008, appx. 49.5% of 18 year olds claimed to have any kind of arts education in their childhood (referring to about their childhood about 5-10 years prior to the date they took the survey). Therefore, surveyers who were surveyed in 2008 were recieving childhood education around 2003.
  • American recession started

  • Only 4% of elementary schools offer drama

    (Compared to 20% in 1999.)
  • American recession ended

  • Obama & PCAH launch Arts Education reform

    Obama and the President's Committee on Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) released a powerful plan that would reinvest in the Arts and reform Bush's No Child Left Behind Act
  • Only 81% of "free/reduced" lunch students have music programs

    (compared to 1999, where 100% had music programs.)