Generation X

  • vinyl records 8-track tapes

    vinyl records 8-track tapes
    the 8-track players and tapes became extremely popular in the 1960s and 1970s, they never completely replaced vinyl records. While 8-tracks offered fantastic sound quality for the time, many people preferred and continue to prefer the intimate sound of vinyl recordings.,intimate%20sound%20of%20vinyl%20recordings
  • Compact Discs (CDs)

    Compact Discs (CDs)
    on August 17, 1982, the advent of the CD marks the beginning of the digital music era and movie DVD’s, And the bits and bytes of the CD era were still constrained to a physical medium. That is unlike today’s digital music, which is no longer bound to physical laws and instead beamed to our phones in what mere mortals can only describe as mid-level sorcery.,era%20for%20the%20music%20industry.
  • MP3, Napster

    MP3, Napster
    Napster is an audio streaming service owned by MelodyVR which allows users to share music over the Internet and they have quickly attracted users, and by the summer of 2000, 20 million users were onboard, and about 14000 songs were downloaded every minute
  • Streaming Services

    Streaming Services
    he early 2000's as a better description for video on demand and later live video on IP networks. It was first done by Starlight Networks for video streaming and Real Networks for audio streaming. Such video had previously been referred to by the misnomer "store and forward video."
  • Gig Economy Platforms

    Gig Economy Platforms
    the gig economy comprises a broad swath of the American population. and it Also refers to anyone who works only part-time. Otherwise, they might work part-time without being considered an employee. for instance by driving, delivery, and rental is becoming easier and better with apps like Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb. But gig jobs are much older than you may think.\