september 1940 alles combined
Japan,Germany, and italy sign ttripartite act -
Period: to
1940 Presidential Election
Roosevelt runs for third term ran aginst Willke won by a landslide because they were to much alike so the people decided to keep who they allready knew was doing a good job and that was Roosevelt -
March 1941 lend lease act
congress passes the lend- lease act as away to get around the law that said you can't sell guns or any types of weapons to those at war -
June 1941 The stab in the back
Hitler declared war on on Stalin and and broke the Nonagression Act the US sent them weapons and said enemy of enemy is our friend they hate Germany more than they hate Soviet Union -
august 1941 The Alantic charter
proposal to extend the term of draftees passed in the house of representives by only one vote. both roosevelt and churchill draw up atlantic charter. joint declerration of war goals. taking car of each other. freedom of seas. -
sept 1941 "The shoot on sight policy"
sinking of U.S.S GREER "shoot on sight policy" means if you see a German u boat to shoot it -
attack on Pearl Harbor
the Japaneese attacked us in Hawaii, U.S.
over 2,000 people died over 1,000 people injured this lasted an hour and a half
1)we cut off there oil embargo
2) Eastern dominance- it happened on demember 7 1941- "a date that will live in infamy" officiallly brings U.S. into war