Formation of the Axis Pwers
Facist party jion together by signing the tripartite pact (Germany, Italy, and japan) they became known as the Axis powers. They was aiming to keep the U.S out of the war. If they join a war it wil be a nightmare. -
Presidential Election
FDR runs for a third term presidency, the majority of voters chose the one they knew bes, and FDR was reelected with nearly 55 percent of the votes cast. -
The Lend Lease Act
Britaian had no cash to spend in the arsenal of democracy, so roosevelt tried to help by suggesting the a plan that he called the lend lease policy. This said that the president would lend or lease arms and other suppliess to any country whose defense was vital to the united dtates. FDR compared this to lending garden hose to a neighbor whose house is on fire, to keep your place from being on fire too and of course Isolationists argued against this plan. -
Supporting Stalin
Hitler broke the agreement that he had in 1939 with Stalin, by not invades the Soviet Union. FDR began sending lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Union. agreeing with Churchill saying that they had to prepare the British for Hitler. To make sure the delivery of the goods were safe, the supply lines had to be kept open across the Alantic Ocean. To prevent the lend-lease deliveries, Hitler deployed hundreds of German U-boats to attack the supply ships. -
Signing of the Alantic Charter
a meeting took place between Churchill and FDR abord the USS Agusta to discuss the war in europe and posible US commitment. The meeting resolted in the sigining otf the Alantic Charter, a joint declaration of war goals. Those goals included, collective security, disarmament, Self-determination, economic cooperration, and freedom of the seas. The US is once again supporting Great Britain in their fight against the Axis Powers. -
Shoot on sight policy
FDR said when you see a german U-boat, shoot them on sight. The Germans kept sinking U.S ship from left to right -
Pear Harbor
The Japanese had attacked the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. They attacked happened because the U.S stopped shipping supplies to Japan. Caught us completely off guard, 2, 403 people were killed and wounded 1, 178 more. Congress quickly approved FDR's request for a declaration of war against japan, and 3 days later Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. Its the end of Isolationism.