1940 Presidential Election
FDR's wins another term to make it his 3rd term being president (first ever in history). -
September 1940
-Japan, Germany, and Italy sign the Tripartite Pact
-Oficially Axis Powers (bad guys)
-Axis powers begin with Germany and Italy
-Japan would join later with the Tipartite Pact -
March 1941
Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act. Lend-Lease was a program of the United States Federal government during World War II which enabled the United States to provide the Allied nations with war material while the US was still officially a neutral country. -
June 1941
-Germany invades Soviet Union
-Roosevelt orders U.S Navy to protect lend-lese shipments -
August 1941
-Roosevelt and Churchill draw up Atlantic Charter. -
September 1941
-"Shoot on sight policy"
-U.S.S Greer -
December 1941
The United States declares war on Japan, US finds itself at war with both Japan and Germany. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill informs the British parliament that Britain is at war with Japan. The was caused by the attack on U.S by Japan (attack on Pearl Harbor)