Profile Essay

  • Noley Snyder is born

    She was born in Belmond, Iowa to Stella and Trev Snyder
  • Family moved to Shamrock, Texas.

    Her parents ended up getting a divorce while in Shamrock. They then moved to Sweetwater, Oklahoma, and then Sayre, Oklahoma
  • Diagnosed with Schuermann's disease

    Schuermann's disease is a developmental disorder in which the vertebrae in the thoracic and lumber region grow unevenly. She had to wear a brace for a while after that.
  • Met Kyle Kessel/ The love of her life

    They were 15 when they met and discovered they are both originally from Iowa. The two have been almost inseparable ever since
  • Moved out of mom's house and in with dad

    She quickly got kicked out by her stepmom.
  • Kyle and Noley start dating

  • Drugged at a party and taken advantage of

    She was taken advantage by someone she trusted. She now makes sure her other girls and I understand that no one is entirely trustworthy. She makes sure I know to always bring a knife and keep my drink close.
  • Graduated high school

    She graduated from Sayre Public Schools. Go Eagles!!!
  • Attended massage school

    She attended Integrated Massage Therapy College in Edmond, Oklahoma.
  • Kyle and Noley take a break

    Kyle and Noley were having difficulties in their relationship and did everything they could to fix it.
  • We meet

    We met while working at the sonic in Sayre, Oklahoma.
  • Kyle and Noley separate officially

    Kyle ended up cheated on Noley with one of her best friends from high school and they called off their engagement.
  • Noley's 22nd birthday

    She had wanted to take the day off for her birthday and instead decided to take off another day later in the week to come to my graduation. When I got off of school that day, I went to sonic and presented her with a pool stick after she pointed out that her's was warped. It was an important day for our friendship.
  • I basically move in

    Shit hit the fan at home, and I started staying with Noley and her roomate, Holly, most nights. We went on adventures all the time and we very quickly became close to each other.
  • Kyle and Noley start speaking again

    Kyle called Noley and they ended up having an 8 hour phone call and got back on good terms
  • Noley moves back in with Kyle

    Funnily enough, they moved into my ex boyfriend's home. Which also happens to be the home someone got murdered in a month before. My room is the murder room. So.