Period: to
Production Schdule
taking images of missing people posters
We will ideally be using room 316 to taken camera shots ( using camcorder) of the posters we created of missing people. we realise that this is a simple and relativly quick thing to do so we would like to do this in lesson time. with permission from teacher -
Alleyway Film shooting
We will be shooting the first 12 shots ( alley way scene) on this date to get the outdoor scenes over and done with. this will be at : The old Blue Last, 38 Great Eastern st, Shoreditch, EC2A 3ES. website: http://www.theoldbluelast.com/ -
Use Room 316
we will use room 316 as the area where we will do most of the close up shots for the discrete portion of our title sequence. this is because it is not at all diffucult to find, it has a lower risk level than a public area. it is also easy to remove unwanted light from the area which may be difficult to do elsewhere. -
Owen's field Road
We will use owen's field road as a place to take shots of the leader and her henchmen to put in the discrete portion of the title sequence. it has a sense of the city atmosphere ( a tiny patch of greenery surround by buildings)