Post-Production Prep
Mise-en-Scene - Come to a decision about what clothes the characters will be wearing. For example, the popular girl should be wearing expensive clothing. Also, we need to decide on what key props we will be using in the film, such as mirrors. Lastly, we need to choose a camera-man. We should make the person least active in the film the camera-man, or ask someone who is relaible & free to do it -
Film the bed scene at home introducing Kate
This scene shows "Kate" sleeping soundlessly, but wakes up and checks the time of her alarm clock or phone. She is surprised to find out she is late for high-school and falls out of her bed because she was rushing. -
Film the girls entering high-school and the toilet room
This scene shows the three girls rushing into high-school together because they're late. Shortly, after they arrive they immediately go to the high-school toilets to get ready. They are shown getting ready in the toilets because they couln't get ready at home as they were already late for lessons. -
Film Kate's humourous conflict with the "jerk" character
After the three girls get ready in the toilets of the high-school, Kate (one of the three main female characters) is confronted by a male character, Chad Nguyen, known as the "jerk". This clash leads to a funny and humourous conflict, which establishes the setting and main characters. -
Star editing the footage
Begin editing the footage. This is where we start to improve our film by editing the sound, effects, motion, etc. -
Complete editing footage
Complete editing footage: sound, motion, effects, etc.