Planning the project: production schedule
We have to produce a production schedule for the Foundation Portfolio to help organise my time for the project. -
Started the course
Research / case studies of real music magazines
I need to decide on a genre of music to work with for your magazine project. I have to carry out research into magazines of this genre. -
Preliminary Task: LSC magazine
I have to produce pages from a college magazine using Photoshop and InDesign. I will create a front page and a contents page, and include original photography. -
Audience feedback and evaluation
I have to gather audience comments and feedback on my college magazine. I will use the feedback to write an evaluation of my production skills . -
Magazine newstand task / distribution of magazines
Firstly I will go to a newsstand and have a look at the music magazine titles available, where and how they have been displayed, and anything I notice about the front covers, mastgeads, cover lines and images. I will also research other magazine distribution methods, especially those which makes use of other media technologies. -
Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts
- Write a short proposal for the magazine
- Produce house style sheets for the magazine
- Draft the questins to use in my DPS
- Who is the publisher
- Who is the audience
- Do a formal pitch of all of the above bulletins
I will be shown how to use a DSLR camera in the studio to take photographs to use in the magazine.
For each individual shoot, produce a photography call sheet.
Take a wide range of photographs to choose from - minimum 4. -
Audience research task
Evaluate the audience feedback from the pitch from focus groups. Make any changes to plans according to feedback, and clearly signpost changes on blog. -
Research and planning week / blog checks
Rough Draft
Have to show a rough draft of the three pages to the class and record their feedback on my work in progress on my blog. -
Desk top publishing and editing your music magazine
Front cover, contents page and DPS needs to be complete and uploaded to the website. Front cover should be done on Photoshop and InDesign for the contents page and DPS. -
Production week / blog checks
Audience research - main task / music magazine
Gather audience comments and feedback on the magazine. -
Planning the evaluation
Worth 20% of coursework grade. -
Creating the Evaluation
You will be marked according to how appropriate your chosen technologies are to the presentation of your answer, and how creative / interactive you are, as well as the content of your answers. -
Evaluation review week / final blog check / 1-1s
All Foundation Portfolio work must be complete and uploaded to blog for submission to exam board.
This includes all the previous tasks, and regular blog posts documenting the progress.