Unnamed (2)

Evolution of Procyonidae

By yunjiyu
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    Northern olingo

    Northern olingo
    Northern olingo (1.8 million years ago): Bassaricyon gabbii, it was the first specie of olingo. It is native to Central America.
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    Olinguito (3.5 million years ago): Bassaricyon neblina, neblina means fog or mist in spanish language. This species were discovered in 2013.
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    White-nosed coati

    White-nosed coati
    White-nosed coati (10.2 million years ago): Nasua narica, they live in wooden areas. Even though the raccoon and ringtail are nocturnal, this species are active at daytime. They are also found in Florida.
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    Cacomistle (10 million years ago): Bassariscus sumichrasti, they are nocturnal, arboreal and omnivorous animal. They are cute. Cacomistle means "half cat" in Nahuatl language, and it is true. They look like cats. They inhabit in northern Mexico and the American Southwest.
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    Kinkajou (22.6 million years ago): Potos flavus, Kinkajou may look like a ferret or a monkey but they are different. Native to Central America and South America, this animal is not an endangered species. They are seldom seen by human because of their nocturnal habit.
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    Raccoon (25 million years ago): Procyon lotor, they are cute. They are called "wash bear" in many languages because of their habitat that washing things. Their adaptation is outstanding which makes conflicts between men and raccoons. Some raccoons that moved their habitats to cities, and they rummage through the garbage cans and other properties. However it is cute
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    Cute Cacomistle

    Cute Cacomistle
    This picture is so cute so I want to put here I love them
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    Cute Cacomistle the second

    Cute Cacomistle the second
    this is so cute too I will be a biologist