Process of Forming America

  • French and Indian War

    A war that broke out in the new world (America) between the native americans, the french, and the British. The French allied with the natives and kicked Britain out, with a large war tax that they didn't expect.
  • Great Britain's War taxation

    After the french and Indian war, great Britain bringing home a loss, had an amass in taxes for the war. With king geroges lll's idea, they began taxing the colonies for their debt.
  • Sugar Act

    After the events in which great britain put a tax on anything they could think was logical, they lowered a tax on sugar. Except their was a catch, all other taxes remained the same, and the colonist hated that.
  • Stamp Act

    Great Britain started to put a tax on letters sent, imported goods, exported goods, or just anything with a stamp on it
  • Opposition to Stamp Act

    On a late cold, night, the colonist took to the streets with a group named the Sons of Liberty, an anti crown group that would to various gravitates and actions that the king hated. Now crowds went to the streets protesting the various taxes and burning fake people to show that they were angry, and nothing happend, the taxation still remained
  • Trouble in Massachutes

    Britains Government in the colonies had grown in fear of a rebellion. The protesting continued and the colonies were on the brink of stating a war. The British sent a group of red coats into the city to set up a camp and maintain guard of their post and hopefully stop the "crazed dogs"
  • Boston Massacre

    The camp of redcoats was being stormed, the colonist had been angry for their misdeeds in the colonies and started throwing rocks, and ice. The redcoats were told not to fire, but one frightened individual deiced to fire, and all of them fired killing 2 people.
  • Spreading the News

    After, the Boston Massacre, the Sons of Liberty's leader, Samuel Adams, found this event a perfect opportunity to make some propaganda. This would get people to go against the British, to strengthen their Revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    On a cold evening in boston harbor, the Son's of Liberty dressed up as Native Americans. By doing this, they could sneak onto the ship carrying all of the tea for Boston. With the revolution going on they dumped 342 crates of tea, to the fish, killing them, and leaving less food for that fishing relied colonie. This goes down as one of the most famous events in america's history
  • Intolerable Acts

    After the "Tea Incident" King George lll had realized that the colonies are getting out of control. To counter that, in 1774 Parliament passed the coercive acts, which forced someone to do something. Boston Harbor was closed until paid for
  • Quebec Act

    This act passed created a government in Canada, and expanded the border west of the colonies for more land. Colonist believed that this had violated their rights as a person
  • A Meeting in Philadelphia

    During the time when Britain was controlling the colonies, 55 Delegate gather in Phili to challenge the King, and Britain's involvement of controlling the colonies
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    America's First real shoot off. This battle took place in a field in Massachusetts with the newly, well rested militia, that got SWEEPED by the British
  • Battle of Bunkerhill

    The battle in which britain would use their powerful navy on a trench, pillbox, ammo, and supplies. The Americans held up for a while, which could show that they could fight, but they untimely fell to the far superior navy
  • The Colonial Militia

    How could the colonies stand up to Britain without a fighting force?, the answer is the Colonial Militia built of your everyday man. These men had shooting ranges, defensive drill tests, and offensive drill test. They used muskets and cannons, and Britain didn't like this idea of a "Privet Army"
  • Decoration of Independence

    The final show, and most powerful show to Britain of breaking up. America was now its own nation, going to war with one of the most powerful military's in the world
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    These minor battles were retreat from the British retreating through new jersey. America had never won a battle in New York, they had pushed britain back, and made them retreat through Philadelphia's river
  • Valley Forge

    The battle of saratoga had a harsh winter, while the British stayed inside next to a fire, the americans had been in valley forge, freezing, starving, and dying of disease. Many soldiers perished during an overnight stay in the dangerous winters of the northern colonies.
  • Howe Captures Phili

    After the previous retreat, Howe had found a spot that he'd take for defense. He went over a river in the snow and ice and began to wait for america, if they could even cross the icy river in the cold night.
  • Articles of confederation

    The original constitution that wasn't very good overall, so it wasn't passed
  • Period: to

    State Constitutions

    A constitution, different for every state, that states the laws and regulations of each state
  • Congress Prohibits Enslaved people

    Now the Revolution is on fire, everyone is having battles everywhere, and now with the fallen number of soldiers for both sides, they decide to give slaves guns to go fight.
  • Spain Sparks War on Great Britan

    Britain, being weak as the americans had been taking them out one by one, now spain wants war because of the bully to america
  • Seige of Charleston

    British troops are on the move and the Americans are trapped in Charleston. After an engagement the american general surrenders and the British take the Win
  • British Surrender Yorktown

    Britain is Surrounded by the Continental army. Surrounded, and they are prepared to fight until every last men is either shot dead, or until he himself perishes. Within the darkness of the night, and the terrified soldier, the commander surrenders Yorktown, leaving a win for the patriots
  • Treaty of Paris

    This ended the revolutionary war, and made France give up all forts in north america. This made Britain give up and go back home to England, and this made the americans have to give up all forts as well as give a lot of money to the people of the army, the farmer, and France
  • Ordnance of 1785

    A set up system for which farmers could purchase land for reasonable price
  • Northwest Ordanace

    An Expansion that sold land from present day Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota
  • Land Act of 1800

    A law in which people could buy land directly from the federal government