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Private Eyes (series)

  • CASTLE discovers ALEXIS is his daughter

    CASTLE discovers ALEXIS is his daughter
    He also discovers a series of encrypted emails, written in Cyrillic, coming through the D.C. black site’s communications. He believes that there is a rogue agent within the CIA attempting to steal “Spyglass”.
  • Period: to

    BECKETT attends a Law Enforcement Conference in D.C.

  • CASTLE gets ALEXIS out of D.C.

    CASTLE gets ALEXIS out of D.C.
    On her 18th birthday, Castle gets Alexis out of the CIA black site in D.C., and stages a break in, copying "Spyglass" onto a USB flash drive.
  • CASTLE "bumps" into BECKETT at Reagan National Airport

    CASTLE "bumps" into BECKETT at Reagan National Airport
    Castle slips the USB flash drive containing "Spyglass" into Beckett's roller case.
  • Period: to



    Lanie sets Beckett up on a date using website similar to, but it specializes in blind dates. Castle arrives, in guise of her date, Andrew "Andy" Miller. His ruse is later uncovered when the real Andrew Miller arrives.
  • First Coffee

    First Coffee
    Castle gives Kate coffee for the first time.
  • New Assignment

    New Assignment
    While Beckett was debriefed by Agent Danberg, Castle is given a new assignment without a chance of getting to talk with her before departing on his mission. They don't see each other again until her colleague's wedding.
  • RYAN and JENNY get married

    RYAN and JENNY get married
    Castle shows up as Kate's plus one, attending Ryan's wedding with her. Afterwards they go back to her apartment and make love for the first time. And Castle shows her his new manuscript "Heat Wave".
  • Operation Looking Glass

    Operation Looking Glass
    Covert operation in Istanbul to apprehend the international criminal known as 'The Knave' failed as a result of Johann Kriedt bretraying the CIA. The covert team sent was ambushed. Many agents were killed and/or injured. Kriedt made a break for it, attempting to escape. While in pursuit of the double-crossing arms dealer, Castle encountered Ray Kilmer, and gave chase, utlimately losing both him and Kriedt.
  • CASTLE summoned to Langley

    CASTLE summoned to Langley
    After arriving back in the United States, Castle is summoned to Langley to answer for some of his questionable actions in regards to KATE BECKETT. At the end of the meeting, SAMSON YORK tells him to take some time off while they wait for more intel on Johann Kriedt's location.
  • Period: to


  • KILMER spotted in New York

    KILMER spotted in New York
    After seeing video footage of RAY KILMER, connecting him with a homicide case BECKETT was working, CASTLE revealed to her and her colleagues, Detectives KEVIN RYAN and JAVIER ESPOSITO, that the man who killed Orlando Costas, and shot Beckett, was his former partner who tried to kill him in Istanbul 2 years ago.
  • BECKETT's apartment blows up

    BECKETT's apartment blows up
    KILMER planted a bomb in BECKETT's apartment in an attempt to kill her in the explosion. She survived and was pulled from the wreckage by CASTLE.
  • VP assassinated

    VP assassinated
    RAY KILMER assassinated Vice President RUSSELL at a campaign rally for Seantor WILLIAM BRACKEN. The Senator is also injured in the attack.
  • CASTLE makes a deal

  • BECKETT returns from suspension

    Her month long suspension ends, and Beckett returns to work at the NYPD's 12th Precinct.
  • Period: to


  • BECKETT gets new assignment

    BECKETT gets new assignment
    Beckett gets asked by Agent Rachel McCord to go undercover for a Justice Department case.
  • Escaped?

    ELENA MARKOV is extracted from CIA custody by unknown assailants, possibly by the Remnant.
  • Proposal

    CASTLE proposes to BECKETT
  • Paris

    A chance encounter in Paris.