
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was an act put in place by the British that stated that every item that was printed within the British colonies would have an added tax placed on it. The patriots made a dummy of the one who enforced the tax and hung him. This was an example of asymmetrical war tactics.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by the British. A mob of colonists had formed by a British guard and began harassing him. The guard was protecting the legislators who were making laws; which many of the colonists were upset about. The guard got upset and fired a shot and then other shots were fired.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The British placed taxes on almost everything, including tea. The colonists became very frusterated with this new law. They were so angered by it,that when the new shipment of tea came,they dressed up as native Americans and threw all the tea into the Boston Harbor. This event was asymmetrical because what the colonists did was very uncommon and showed that they were not afraid to voice their opinion.
  • Battle at Lexington and Concord

    Battle at Lexington and Concord
    The British had planned a suprise attack on Lexington. The Lexington militia was made up of ordinary farmers and workers, who had little experince in battle.Paul Revere heard that the British were coming and went out on his famous ride telling citizens to warn the militia. They began to battle in lexington. Later the patriots met them in the woods and took the upper hand. That event was asymmetrical because they met the British head on and didn't try to hide from them, they ran right into them.
  • Bunker (breed's) Hill

    Bunker (breed's) Hill
    The British General Gage wanted to control the Charlestown Peninsula that was across the Harbor. The Continental Army gained control of the nearby Breed'sand Bunker Hills. The British were surrounded. The continental Army then began to build a small fort on the hill. The British attacked and ended up gaining control of both hills. Although the British drove the continental army away, the continental army showed signs of effective tactics.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Indepence stated that the 13 colonies that were under British rule, would now become indepentent states. This event was asymmetrical because the patriots showed that they had had enough and were not afraid of what they believed in. They showed the British that they could think for themselves.
  • Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge

    Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge
    General George Washington decided to set up camp in Valley Forge so that they could be well hidden, but still be within reach of the British Army during the winter months. The soldiers were in good spirits at first, but as the winter went on conditions began to worsen. There were shortages of food and supplies, so many soldiers did not fare to well. By the time spring came around, diseases struck the camp and many soldiers died.
  • Battle at Trenton/Princeton

    Battle at Trenton/Princeton
    The Battle at Trenton took place immediately after General George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware river. The Hessian troops had a fort in Trenton. Washington and his troops suprised the hessians and killed general Rall. This event was asymmetrical because the Continental army caught the hessians off guard. The hessians were celebrating Christmas at the time, so Washington put some thought into attacking them.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    British General Burgoyne planned to bring troops down through Canada and then meet up with more troops in Albany. Burgoyne led his troops through forrests to get to Fort Ticonderoga. The Continental Army's Fort Ticonderoga stood on a hill looking over lake champlain. The British attacked them from across the lake and won. The other British army that was supposed to wait for Burgoyen left and went to Philadelphia. The Continental army out numbered them, so Burgoyen and his army were taken as POWs
  • War in the South

    War in the South
    Now that the Continental army was on good terms with the French, the British were fighting with them. The British left Philadelphia and went to New York, then to conquer the south. The British took over South Carolina and left general Cornwallis to guard those areas. The Continental Army under Major General Nathaniel greene and Washington fought Cornwallis and forced the British to move into Virginia and leave the south alone. This was asymmetrical because they out smarted the Britsh again.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The battle of Yorktown was one of the last major battles of the Revolutionary War. The Continental Army's General George Washington found out that the British General(General Cornwallis) had his troops in Yorktown, Va. With the help of the french, Washington's army started to move south to block out Cornwallis's army. French's Navy forces made sure that General Cornwallis didn't get his hands on any supplies from Britain. General Cornwallis was out numbered greatly and then surrendered.