Diana was born on July 1st 1961 in Nofolk, England and was the yougest of 3. THe childrens names were Elizabeth, Cynthin, Charls and there would have been a nuther child called John but died after 10 hours of birth. -
Dianas pearents separated when she was only 9. She went with her father. One year later she was sent to bording school Diana did not like shcol at all she was much more intresied in swimmimg, dancing and could not care less about what her teachers thought about her!!! \real date not known
http://www.biography.com/ actual date not known ;( -
High School
Princess Diana went to hight school when she was 15, Diana hated high school so much. She was popular and all but she did not like the school part of high school. She failed all her O and A leves TWIES!! When that happend she gave up with school and left when she was 18.
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meeting Prince Charles
When Diana droped out of high school she moved in with her mum who was living in New Yourk. When she was living in new yourk her sister Cyintha was dating Prince Charels. So when they broke up Diana went over to England to REEINTDOS her self to Charels (they played when they were kinds) Eventually they fell really in love.
real date not known
http://www.biography.com/ -
Eventually Diana and Charels got marred in 1981. And had to amazing sons. One called Willam who was born in 1982 june 21 and Harry who was born in 1984 September 15
www.usmagazine.com -
Helping out
diana stared here chariety work after Harry was born. She helped out with things like helping kids and adults with ADIES, Children with cancer, diging out the land mines and much much more.
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Later on in Dianaa life she separated from Charels. They were very un happy but became even more un happy because the howle family was flowed every where it was so sad but then Diana fell in love and it was a huge deal all around the world.
real date not known
crawler.dipity.com -
Sadly Diana died in Paris in a cra crash. She died whith her boy friend and she was only 36 years old. It was so sad i had more than one millon flowers out side my door.