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Princess Diana

  • Lady Diana and Prince Charles Marry

    Lady Diana and Prince Charles Marry
    Diana was in her early 20s and 12 years younger than Charles, when they decided to make a life together. Within five years their relationship showed signs of damage and ended up in lack of trust, betrayal, and estrangement. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is intimate bonding versus isolation. Diana and Charles had affairs and divorced. They were unable to develop a longterm committed relationship built on shared vulnerability and emotional connection.
  • Charity Work in Middle Adulthood

    Charity Work in Middle Adulthood
    Diana became intensely involved in charity work, advocating for those with long-term illnesses such as AIDS, Leprosy, and mental illnesses, and president of a children's foundation. In Erikson’s seventh stage, in middle adulthood, the crisis is between stagnation and choosing the generative path of contributing to the well-being of the next generation. Diana chose community engagement. Her life felt purposeful and she made a difference.
  • Diana's Early Death

    Diana's Early Death
    Unfortunately, Diana died unexpectedly at age 36 in a car crash, leaving her two young boys. In Erikson's Eighth stage, Ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is not accepting one's life as it is. If Diana reflected back on her life in her last moments, she may have evaluated her life with satisfaction regarding her work for others and felt regret about her unfulfilled marriage and other relationships. Perhaps she longed to be closer to her children, despairing about leaving them.