1987 BCE
Died on 11 April
1963 BCE
Levi received his first annual Premio Campiello literary award
1948 BCE
In October Levi's first child, his doughter LIsa, was born
1947 BCE
Levi married Lucia in September
1946 BCE
Levi completed the manuscript "If this is a man" on 22 December
1945 BCE
Levi was liberated on 27 January by the Red Army
1944 BCE
He is sent to Auschwitz
1943 BCE
In October he join the liberal Giustizia e LIbertà partisan movement
1942 BCE
In March Levi was working in the mine when he lost his father
1941 BCE
Graduates from the University of Turin with a degree in chemistry
1941 BCE
In December Levi secretly got a job at asbestos mine at San Vittore
1921 BCE
Levi's little sister was born
1919 BCE
Primo Levi was born on 31 July in Turin, Italy