
Prime Minister Stephen Harper (history)

  • Stephen Harper is born

    Stephen Harper is born
    Biography of PM
    Born in Toronto. Attended John G Althouse Middle School and Richview Collegiate Institute.
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor's Degree
    University of Calgary</a>He attended the University of Calgary, where he received a bachelor's degree.
    <a href='' >
  • Master's Degree in Economics

    Master's Degree in Economics
    Graduated with Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Calgary.
    University of Calgary
  • Elected as Member of Parliament

    Elected as Member of Parliament
    Stephen Harper was elected as member of parliament and prioritized for what he plans to do in the future.
    Conservative Leader
  • Married Laureen (Teskey) Harper

    Married Laureen (Teskey) Harper
    Conservative Leaders
    Also had two kids Benjamin (1996), and Rachel (1999).
  • Made leader of the opposition

    Made leader of the opposition
    Stephen Harpers political life-span
    (sometime in May) Stephen Harper is officially made the leader of the opposition.
  • Resigns as Leader of the Opposition

    Resigns as Leader of the Opposition
    Stephen Harper resigns as the leader of the oppostion.
  • Elected as the Conservative Leader.

    Elected as the Conservative Leader.
    Elected as the party's first non-interim leader. (date sometime in March)
  • Became Prime Minister of Canada.

    Became Prime Minister of Canada.
    Stephen Harper as a Conservavtive
    Became 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada, appointed after leading the Conservative Party to a minority government federal election win with 36 percent of the popular vote. He is also the first Prime Minster in 12 years not to be affiliated with the Liberal Party.
  • Stephen Harper wins awards.

    Stephen Harper wins awards.
    Stephen Harper has been honoured with the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service. He also became the first Canadian to be awarded the B’nai Brith Presidential Gold Medallion for Humanitarianism
  • Restoring the "Royal" name to the Navy and Airforce

    Restoring the "Royal" name to the Navy and Airforce
    the "Royal" name
    National Defence restores historic "Royal" title to Canadian navy and air force.