George Washington
George Washington: In the year 1789 George Washington became the first U.S. president. He became the first founding father of the U.S.A. I would like to mention that the dtaes are not right, but the years are. -
John Adams
John Adams was elected president after George Washington refused a third term in 1797. John Adams was the first vice president and the first president to be a part of a political party. -
Thomas Jefferson
In 1801 Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd U.S. president. He served in the Continental Congress at the beginning of the American Revolution. He was also a Secretary of State for George Washington. -
James Madison
James Madison was the 4th president in 1809. He was considered the “Father of our (Americans) Constitution.” Fun Fact: He was a Politian for most of his life. -
James Monroe
Before you guys go crazy, no he’s not related to Marilynn Monroe. James Monroe became the fifth president of the U.S. in 1817. He was also the last founding father of America. -
Andrew Jackson
Once again not related to someone famous, which is ok because he’s someone famous. In 1829 he became the 7th president. What happened to the 6th you say, well I had to cut him out because I didn’t want this to be too long. -
Martin van Buren
in 1837 martin van Buren became the eighth U.S. president. He was also the eighth vice president, and the 10th Secretary of State, both under George Washington. -
Abraham Lincoln
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln became the 16th U.S. president. He led the U.S. through the Civil War. As some of might know, Abe is on Mount Rushmore as well as George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson. -
Theodore Roosevelt
In 1909 Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th president of the U.S.A. Throughout his life he was many things besides president, he was also a Politian and an author. -
In 2008 Barrack Obama became the 44th and current U.S. president. Obama is the firth African American President in the North America. Fun Fact: Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii.