Yo nací el 4th de agosta de 1999 febrero.
I was born on the 4th of February. -
Yo fuí N.B. Mills la escuela primaria.
I went to NB Mills elementary school. -
Yo jugué baloncesto y fútbol americano en la escuela primaria.
I played basketball and football in elementary school. -
Yo tenía un perro llamado abe.
I had a dog named Abe. -
Fui al campeonato en el fútbol y gané.
I went to the championship in football and won. -
Cantamos en una performance en el instituto.
We sang at a performance at the high school. -
Mi madre era la directora de mi escuela.
My mom was my principal at my school. -
Terminé mis tareas y después me acosté.
I would finish my homework and go to bed. -
En la escuela media fui a Northview.
In middle school I went to Northview. -
Me levanté, me vestí, y salí para mi fiesta.
I got up, got dressed, and left for my party. -
Empezó a nevar a mi casa.
It began to snow at my house. -
Yo estaba caminando arriba y se cayó y me rompió la rodilla.
I was walking upstairs and fell and cracked my knee. -
Jugué americano fútbol en el oeste iredell medio.
I played football at west iredell middle. -
Solía cocinar con mi mamá y mi papá y aprendía a cocinar cosas diferentes
I used to cook with my mom and dad and learn how to cook different things. -
Cuando yo era estudiante, estaba muy feliz.
When I was a student, I was very happy. -
Mis padres comprès un carro nuevo.
My parents bought a new car. -
Comencé la escuela secundaria en statesville.
I started high school at statesville high. -
Mi vecino tenía un grande perro.
My neighbor used to have a large dog. -
Solía ayudar a mi hermano a practicar el baloncesto
I used to help my brother practice basketball. -
Mi clase favorita en Statesville fue la ciencia forense
My favorite class at statesville was forensic science