Jamestown is established
The Virginia company reaches the land will be later known as Virginia and founds Jamestown under captain John Smith. Jamestown is to the first permanent English colony in America. -
House Of Burgesses
The house of Burgesses became the first elected representative group of individuals to govern Jamestown. -
Plymouth Colony is established
Plymouth was founded by English seperatists, or pilgrims, trying to escape religious oppression. They managed to become allies with a group of Native Americans in the area, often through aiding in their conflicts with other Native American tribes. -
Founding of Massachusetts Bay
Situated around present day Salem and Boston.Founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company.It was an English settlement. -
Massauchessets Bay is established
John Winthrop establishes the Massachusetts Bay colony as a refuge for a branch of Christians known as Purtinans -
Pequot War
The Pequout war was a conflict between the Plymouth pilgrims along with their Native American aliies, the Narragansset and Mohegans, and the Pequot indians. In the end, the Pequot indians were almost completely eleminated. -
King Phillip's War
King Phillip, or Metacom, was a Native American who rallied several tribes of Native Americans in New England to go to war with the Colonists as a result of constant general oppression and their ceaseless attempted conversion and indoctrination of Native Americans in the area to the Christian church. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon was a poor farmer who disliked the current governor of Jamestown, William Berkely. He wanted to take drastic action against Native Americans, unlike the governor. Eventually, he did, and was banished from the settlement. Eventually, he came back with a lot of support from poor and black people, and overthrew the governor. This was important because it encouraged the English governenment to try and further seperate the poor and slaves to avoid future reblleion -
Salem Witch Trials
Several men and women, but mainly women, including children, were executed after being accused of witchcraft. The accusations were never justified. -
French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was a war over territory and the fur trade which at the time was dominated by the French and the Native Americans who allied with them. The British allied with the Colonists and went to wore for the territory and dominance of the trade, which ended in favor of the British and Colonists with the treaty of 1763. England was heavily in debt after the war, and as a result taxed the colonists more heavily. -
The Quartering Act
Acts passed by Paliament in 1765 requiiring colonists to provide housing and provision to British soliders in the Americas. -
Boston Massacre
American colonists in Boston threw, snowballs, rocks, and other miscellaneous object at passing British troops. As there was already tension between the troups and Americans, shots were fired, and several unnarmed civilians were killed. This massacre led to become one of the causes of the Revolutionary war. -
Tea Act
Act passed by Parliament greatly increasing the tax on tea, mcuh to the dismay of American colonists. -
Boston Tea Party
A group of arguably radical conlonists who called themselves the Sons of Liberty boarded a British ship and through several hundred crates of tea into the Boston harbor in protest of the high tax. -
Intolerable Acts
A series of laws passed by parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party meant mainly to punish colonists. -
Lexington and Concord
The first shots and first battle of the Revolutionary War. -
Declaration of Independence
56 delegates signed the document.Ensured the independence of America.The document was adopted by the continential congress. -
Shay's Rebellion
Shay's rebellion was an uprising in the early United States led by Daniel Shay. The reasons for the rebellion included many financial issues in the fledgling country. It lasted less then 1 year -
Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Converntion was a meeting of representatives from multiple states to create a constitution for the United States. -
Judiciary Act of 1789
The Judiiary Act of 1789 established the judicial branch of the United States government, and created the supreme court. -
The Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was a public protest by led by farmers in response to an act of congress that imposed a tax on whiskey -
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien and Sedition acts were a group of 4 highly controversial bills passed in response to the quasi-war with the French navy. They dealt with immigrants to the United States. -
Revolution of 1800
The revolution of 1800 is a term used to describe the election of 1800, during which the Democratic-Republicans took power from the federalist party. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the purchase of 828,000 sq. miles of land from France. It is the largeest single land purchase in US history and started a sensation of westward migration. -
Marbury vs. Madison
Marbury vs. Madison was a landmark supreme court cases and the first major use of the supreme courts power of judicial review. -
Embargo Act of 1807
The Embargo Act of 1807 was an act passed by congress that imposed trade embargos on Great Britain and France during the Napoleanic wars. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a conflict between the US and Great Britain. No territory was lost or gained on either side, but at the conclusion of the war many loose ends remaining from the revolution were tied up. -
Election of 1816
The Election of 1816 was a race between the democratic-republican president James Monroe and the federalist challenger Rufus King. James Monrore won the election by a wide majority. -
Presidential Election of 1824
The Presidential Election of 1824 was a race between John Quincey Adams and Andrew Jackson. It resulted in an electoral tie, and the house of representatives nominated John Quincey Adams. Many people believed that bribery was involved, and Jackson won the next election. -
Indian Removal Act of 1830
The Indian Removal Act was an act passed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 that gave congress the power to pursuade native americans to leave their native land and move to federal reservations. -
The Nullification Crisis of 1832
The Nullification Crisis was a states rights issue that revolved around the right of a state's government to nullify federal laws, specifically tarriffs. -
Independance for Texas
Texas officially earned its independance and was no longer considered a part of Mexico. -
Mexican American War
This war was fought over western territory in the Americas. Americans believed that they essentially owned land west of the Mississipi, however Mexican territory extended into the areas Americans felt they as a nation owned. This lead to the Mexican-American war, which eventually ended with the Americans gaining several thousand square miles of land through the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The treaty that ended the Mexican-American war and also granted America 55% of Mexican land in return for 15 million. -
Spanish American War
A conflict between America and Spain that ended with the United States's purchase of the Phillipenes, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Many of these nations weren't granted the independance we promised them after the war ended. -
Election of 1932
The Election of 1932 was a race between the republican president Herbert Hoover and the democratic challenger Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt won the election. -
The New Deal
The New Deal was a program initiated by FDR to spur the economy after the great depression. The program was widely succesful, and the US economy recovered. -
Attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 2 nuclear strikes on Japanese civilian targets during the final days of WWII. It was a last resort to deter an invasion of mainland Japan. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was a doctrine passed by President Truman that provided military aid to countires who were at risk to fall under the iron curtain. It is considered the start of the cold war. -
The Creation of NATO
Creation of NATO 1949- April 4th 1949 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. NATO was the first peacetime military alliance the United States entered into outside of the We -
Fall of China to Communism
The rise of Communism in China is mainly due to a man named Mao Zedong, China’s communist leader at the time -
Korean War
he Korean War was mainly a result of the division of Korea between the various allies at the end of WWII. The U.S. provided aid to South Korea in repelling the invasion of the North. -
Election of 1952
President Eisenhower was elected. This was a time of great tension between the U.S. and Soviet Russia.