production icon
production icon shows who the movie is produced by, audience can familiarise themselves with this icon and have an idea of the quality of the film, also the audience are able to trust this image -
the film title
the title is the name of the film and what people call it -
distribution n title sequence
the distribution company release the film -
distribution icon
this is the copany that distributes the film -
actor 1
this is the main caracer in the film -
the second main actor of film
this is another character that is seen regulary, he/she may be a unique selling point for the flm -
they select who should star in a film, they have to look carefully at who would be best for each role and who woul appeal to the audience more. -
costume designer
this is the person that decide whih each of the characters should wear. -
music selector
this person carefuly selects the music for each scene -
music supervisors
they check whether each song selcted fits the scene properly -
co producers
these are the additional producers -
film editor
this person is very important, they ensure that all the scenes are in sequence and look good together. -
production designer
they decide the order of the scenes -
director of photography
they are in charge of the photographs taken for the distrubtion and the actual film -
director of photography
they select still images that can be put into the sequence. -
excutive producers
these are the chief producers of the film they run all departments. -
the names of the producers
the names of the producers can help audience expect what quality of film they are about to watch as they may have seen the name in another film. -
who the film is written by
the person who wrote the film comes at the end as they arent reall that important they however have a great contribution to the film -
the director
the director of the film tells the actors what to do and what doesnt look good